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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Talib, Zulkifli & Shamsudin, Fathiah Amway

 Zul and Fathiah are a couple of friends who have a lot in common.

A very successful professional career spanning 30 years, Zul worked for a publicly traded corporation, where he retired as Chief Executive Officer in his final role. After more than two years of hard work, he was able to achieve financial independence and leave the corporate world. Fathiah was a successful entrepreneur who controlled a number of traditional enterprises. However, she understood that she was at the mercy of her clients and desired to regain complete control over her life.

They happened to run into their best friend while on a social visit and ended up learning about Amway. They were referred to as "accidental prospects." They were thinking about their pals who were flourishing in the industry and they didn't want to be left out in the cold. Zul was initially dubious since the company's operations didn't seem to fit into the million-ringgit initiatives that he was accustomed to seeing. Later, when attending a Weekend Leadership Seminar, they both understood the great potential of the firm, and Fathiah saw an opportunity to reclaim control of their life and their future.

Within 13 months of attending the conference, they established themselves as Emerald Directs. They were motivated by Fathiah's desire to replace her failing conventional enterprises. They put their faith in and obeyed the system, and they listened to their superiors. Zul and Fathiah were able to achieve Diamond level in only three years after the birth of their daughter Sabrina, who was their driving force. They wished to provide Sabrina with a wonderful upbringing. For her, LOVE is defined as a limitless amount of time spent with her full-time parents. Sabrina, 8 years old, and Ereena, 2 years old, are the couple's two children, who they are raising as full-time parents.

Zul and Fathiah have visited a variety of locations as a result of their company. The time they spent at the home of Crown Ambassadors Jim and Nancy Dornan in Atlanta, Georgia, was the highlight of their family's year. All of these delights have more than compensated for the difficulties and inconveniences they have experienced while establishing their company. And they will always believe that the longer it takes you to construct it, the more likely it is that you will be challenged on whether it is worth it in the end.

Talib, Zulkifli & Shamsudin, Fathiah

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