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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Brandon Choi & Yii Chieh Amway

 Brandon Choi and Yii Chieh are Diamond Direct Distributors that have a long history of success. Since I was nine years old, I've been accompanying my parents to AMWAY meetings in their spare time. Because I grew up with AMWAY, I joined the company when I was 18 years old, but I was unable to devote much time to the company until I graduated from college. Finally, when I was 22 years old, I made the decision to take my AMWAY business seriously.

In the beginning, Yii Chieh was sceptical since she had a number of assumptions about the firm. Nevertheless, after attending a few meetings, she became convinced and began working with me on a part-time basis to grow the company.

We were confronted with a number of difficulties in the beginning. As recent graduates who did not have access to a vehicle, we relied significantly on public transportation to attend meetings and get to and from appointments. It was difficult for us because we lacked commercial understanding and experience. Due to the fact that my parents reside in Kuantan and we are in Kuala Lumpur, we had to handle the majority of the arrangements on our own.

With our full-time employment, we were only able to establish our AMWAY business outside of office hours — at night, on weekends, and on public holidays – when everyone else was taking use of their vacation time. We have found that the adage "No Pain, No Gain" holds true for us, as we have learned that sacrifices must be made in order to achieve one's goals. After a few years of hard effort, we were awarded Platinum status in 2008, Founders Platinum status in 2009, Sapphire and Emerald status in 2012, and Diamond status in 2013.

During this time period, both of us received promotions. I worked as a product marketing specialist for an IT company in the United States, and Yii Chieh worked as a business analyst for an insurance company. Despite this, we both made the decision to leave our secure and enjoyable employment in August 2014, after qualifying as Diamonds in July of that same year.

Brandon Choi & Yii Chieh

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