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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Fake It Till You Make It In Amway?

 The phrase "fake it till you make it" was imparted to me at an Amway WWDB gathering, and it remains one of my most memorable lessons. I assume this was done in order to give the appearance of being successful. It has been stated that you are going to be successful, so you might as well prepare for the role ahead of time. This is something that I believe is still taught today. IBOs want to make a good first impression on prospects, thus they strive to appear extremely successful. When these same IBOs were spotted driving into functions in clunkers of automobiles, I thought it was amusing to observe.

Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) dress in suits in part because they are faking it. Everybody should be under the notion that they are involved in a multimillion-dollar enterprise, according to them. What's more, guess what? WalMart is a multi-billion-dollar corporation, but its staff do not dress in suits! The suits, particularly in Hawaii, where I live, were a hindrance to everyday activities. I recall attending a gathering in an auditorium in August when there was no air conditioning, temperatures in the 90s, and humidity close to 100 percent. You can probably guess what the atmosphere was like at that gathering. We had to act like we weren't dying of heat stroke in order to keep our cool.

What I find so remarkable about this is that I honestly believe that the diamonds are the most frequently imitated precious stones. Throughout the country, WWDB gatherings dubbed "Dream Night" were held this past year to raise funds for the organisation. A formal dinner with slide exhibitions of homes, jet skis, sports vehicles, private golf club memberships, great vacations, and shopping sprees is held at a function that includes a sit-down supper. The diamonds and other Amway heroes also attend. I honestly believe that many of the gems on the market are the work of the most notorious forgers in the world. The lifestyles depicted in these films are most certainly not possible to maintain on a diamond income alone, even if it appears to be substantial when combined with tool revenue. It is supported by simple mathematics.

Even with tool income, a diamond income of $250-300K gross per year is possible. While that sum appears to be enormous when compared to the earnings of a working stiff earning around 40K or $50K per year, keep in mind that a diamond firm incurs numerous expenses. How much do you estimate it would cost a (diamond) family of four (4) to travel first class to five or six functions, depending on the distance travelled? What portion of that revenue is subject to taxation? I challenge all IBOs to take a deep breath and sort this out. Once taxation, medical insurance, and business expenses are taken into account, I would estimate that a diamond has a middle-class lifestyle at the very least. Amway supporters would argue that this is a career that does not require a 9-5 schedule, however an Amway operation requires ongoing attention because IBOs join and leave on a daily basis. Some people who join up never do anything with their time. The process of replacing IBOs is never-ending. It is for this reason that you will never see or hear of any gems who have "walked away" to receive residual income for the rest of their lives.

Despite the fact that diamonds boast about their "independence," I feel they are also deceiving themselves about it. Basically, they're just working the night and graveyard shifts because they're trying to help their groups attract new members into Amway, and because many people work 9-5, the diamonds wind up working from 7 (pm) to 3 (am) on most days of the week (excluding Sundays) (am). He claimed he worked to help people succeed, but looking back, I believe he was only working the night shift out of desperation to make ends meet. He needed to put forth the effort to keep his gang together, or he would lose his diamond certification. As a diamond, I can picture the tension and pressure he would be under if one of his downline platinum legs was on the verge of sliding out of qualifying status. The majority of a diamond's income comes from an annual diamond bonus, which they would not receive if they did not meet the requirements. The pressure will be similar to that of a job!

Another variation on the theme of "fake it till you make it." Isn't this just a case of lying and hoping that you'll eventually succeed?

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