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Sunday, August 29, 2021

Chasing The Impossible Amway Dream?

 When it comes to Amway, one of the things that gets people enthusiastic about joining is all of the rhetoric about their ambitions. My former LOS, WWDB, continues to host a large annual celebration known as "dream evening." After dark, the diamonds will put on a slide show with photographs of homes, sports vehicles and other luxury items like as jet skis, holidays and golf outings, among other things, to entice people to come out and party with them. Many people believe that Amway is the best thing that has happened to mankind since the invention of the sliced bread since it allows them to avoid working 9-5 while still earning a substantial income. The unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of Amway Independent Business Owners will never attain it, and, aside from the photographs, it is impossible to tell whether the diamonds genuinely enjoy the lifestyles they portray. The math does not support what they are attempting to convince us of.

The problem is that the diamonds are simply instilling false aspirations and visions in the minds of prospects and independent business owners. Hopes and dreams that, with the exception of a very small number of people, will never come true. A common selling point is that linking hopes and dreams to a business car in order to accomplish those hopes and dreams is an extremely effective marketing factor for the vehicle.

While some people may achieve some of these aims and obtain some of the trappings of riches, the vast majority, perhaps more than 99 percent of those who come and go via the business, end up generating nothing and in the majority of cases, incurring a financial loss. Even those who put out heroic efforts may find themselves at a loss after several months or even years of work on the part of the individual. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that many gems themselves cannot afford the pleasures they flaunt. There is evidence that this is taking place. Several gems have had their residences foreclosed on, and a well-known triple diamond is currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. Former diamonds have come out to clarify that their money was primarily derived from tools and that their Amway income was not as significant as they had claimed. Some diamonds have resigned or departed their positions, putting an end to the idea of lifetime residual income. Some diamonds even took their entire groups and quit Amway to join other multi-level marketing companies. This puts an end to Amway's claim to be the greatest and to provide permanent residual income.

It is truly tragic that so many innocent prospects and independent business owners (IBOs) have been duped by shady upline leaders into believing that they will be purchasing homes in cash and retiring before the age of 40, and "walking the beaches" for the rest of their lives, when in fact this is not the case. As a matter of fact, I am not aware of any diamonds who have done just that. It appears that all of the royal ambassadors and others are still working or have died while on the job, according to the information available. Why aren't there more people who are willing to go diamond and then "walk away" to live a quiet life of luxury that is unequalled by any other option available to them?

Is it possible that this is a massive deception or a myth? Isn't it true that IBOs are essentially devoting their time and resources to chase an impossible dream? How many other IBOs do you know that have reached their goals in life?

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