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Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Amway Business Mentality?

 When it comes to "Business Mentality," one of the things that IBOs "believe" they possess but in reality are far from having is their own. It is not always the fault of the independent business owners. Many people are recruited into Amway by trusted friends, and despite their lack of business expertise, they will "submit" to their upline's recommendations and make an effort to learn about the Amway business. In many cases, the problem is that upline leaders encourage self-serving business practises such as hard core adherence to their tools system, from which they typically reap substantial financial rewards. Look at some of the problematic procedures that have been implemented.

"Make a purchase from yourself." Having a business owner mentality means you only buy from yourself if it is advantageous to your company's growth and success. Many independent business owners (IBOs) make ludicrous claims, such as the assumption that a McDonald's owner would never eat at Burger King. That is complete nonsense. Just because I own a McDonald's restaurant does not imply that I will be consuming Big Macs for the rest of my life. You can't spend your way into financial success. If I sell pens for $1.00 and my cost is.50, and my competitor has a special on the same pens for 3 for $1.00, I will purchase the pens from my opponent's special. Additionally, purchasing from yourself makes you a customer rather than a business owner.

"If you have a dream, you should ignore the facts." This is possibly the most egregious piece of bull crap ever taught by an upline. This has been said by IBOs who are downline from WWDB and BWW leaders, in particular. Instead of ignoring the facts, a business owner studies them. Any REAL business owner is interested in knowing how much money is coming in and how much money is leaving. That is how you can determine the beating heart of your company. Gina, a site visitor on our site, just uploaded a profit and loss statement from her real-world business on this site. Naturally, IBOs were at a loss for what to say about it because it was unfamiliar territory for them.

"Please submit to upline." Yet another bunch of nonsense. Just though they "sponsored me" or anything does not obligate someone to submit to their upline. The advise of someone upline who has not taken the time to examine each IBO on a personal level in order to be able to give advice on an IBO's "Independent Business," or worse, advice on their personal lives, would be unwise for a legitimate business owner to rely upon. Someone who joined Amway before you is not a legitimate qualification, yet it is viewed as such by the misled Independent Business Owners (IBOs).

"Dedication to the system" is the phrase. In addition, it was a ridiculous piece of advise. What level of commitment does the system have to an IBO? The system takes credit if an IBO succeeds (which is extremely rare), but for the more than 99 percent of people who never make a substantial income, it is their own fault if they do not make it. Amway defenders will argue that many of those who joined the company did not do so expecting to make a significant salary. However, tell me where individuals show "plans" created for the guy who wants an extra $100 a month, even if that is somewhat true. The plans that are shown are always (as far as I can tell) for platinum or diamond.

Does any of this sound familiar to IBOs and information seekers? Is this anything you've encountered before? If this is the case, I recommend you to post inquiries here and seek additional information before engaging in any further "commercial" action.

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