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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Amway Cult Followers Need To Ask Permission To Use The Bathroom

 From time to time, there is a dumb fuck Amway ambot who pops up here under various aliases and causes havoc. He is referred to as the Amway Masturbator because he enjoys jerking off into SA8 and then leaving comments on this site bragging about how he accomplishes this feat. He comes here every now and again, pretending to be a product tester. It is skewed since Amway's products, particularly SA8, consistently rank at or near the top of the Amway Masturbator's criteria. However, he does not use any products from any other companies in his panel. Other times, he appears as bo in this forum. That he chose the initials for his body odour is intriguing.

If we needed any more evidence that Amway ambots stink in more ways than one, look no further than this! LOL!!!!

In any case, body odour appears to write a comment, boasting about how often he shits and pee his pants. I'm not sure why someone would take such pride in their accomplishment, as if we needed any more evidence that individuals in Amway are fucked in the brain. He claims that Amway's SA8 laundry soap removes the yellow and brown stains from his clothes. There's a breaking news storey! Any laundry detergent will remove stains from clothing if you put the soiled clothing in the washing machine as soon as possible.

The difficulty is that many laundry detergents are unable to remove the odour even after several washings.

A mother came to us and explained that her daughter wets her bed and that she had washed the sheets three times in SA8 and still couldn't get the urine smell out of the sheets. In my opinion, she should try a better laundry detergent that has an odor-masking agent, such as Tide or Gain. Alternatively, throw out the sheets and purchase new ones. Alternatively, she might have her child wear bedwetter diapers.

I was reminded of something about Amway meetings when body odour showed up here to brag about pooping and pissing his trousers, and it was because of this. You are not permitted to get up and leave at any time for any reason. Not like when you were in school and you needed to use the restroom, and you raised your hand and requested the teacher to excuse you from class to go to the bathroom.

No, that is not possible in Amway.

To be sure, you must first obtain permission from your Amway cult leaders before undertaking any action, but once you have entered an Amway meeting, you are not permitted to leave for any reason. That explains why his body odour remains in the room and why he spits and pisses his pants instead of going to the bathroom or using the restroom. Can you imaging what the other ambots in the room must have been smelling!? PEEEYEEEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! According to the assholes in your Amway upline, the reason you aren't allowed to leave the room is because it will be the exact time when the Amway cult leader will give out that one golden nugget of information that will launch you into financial prosperity. Yes, there is yet another LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

In the past, it was easier to leave the room for many reasons such as going to the bathroom, finding a restaurant, taking a walk, leaving and returning home. The reason for this is that Scamway events such as Spring Leadership, Family Reunion, Free Enterprise Days FED, and Dream Night are held in larger settings than the usual. It is possible that banquet facilities in hotels, arenas, or convention centres will be used. You can get up and wander around in places where it is packed enough that the Amway cult leaders may or may not see you.

Because you got up and left instead of remaining in the room and worshipping the Amway cult leaders while not missing a word those filthy bullshitters utter, you can be quite certain that the ambots sitting around you are giving you the evil eye. In addition, those whiny fuck asses wipes will almost certainly end up in the sack of shit Platinum in the near future. Because that's what fucking Amway assholes do to make themselves appear big and important to the Amway cult's top brass and leadership. They shriek and squeal like the rodents that they are.

Because the Amway cult leader can see what you're doing while you're in a smaller setting, such as when Amway cult meetings are held in living rooms, getting up and going to the bathroom can be a little more difficult.

“Hey, where do you think you're going?” says someone. cries out the leader of the Amway cult.

“I've got to go to the bathroom.” The Ambot admits his guilt.

“I didn't hear you ask my permission first,” says the narrator. taunts the head of the Amway cult “Please return to your chair.”

“Please, please, please, please, please give me permission to use the restroom. I really appreciate that. I had to get going. If I don't find a toilet soon, I'm going to pee my pants.” The ambot begs for forgiveness.

Despite this, the Amway cult leader continues to resist. Therefore, the Amway ambot must devise a method of keeping it contained.

As in the case of body odour, the person can choose to stay put and shit and pisse his pants instead.

Then come here to my site and brag about your accomplishment.

And then Bo becomes enraged when everyone refers to him as having "body odour"!

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