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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Amway Ambots Lack Sense Of Self

 A number of characteristics are required for success as a business owner, including leadership abilities, self-assurance, financial resources, and a strong sense of personal identity, among others. There are other issues, but the focus of this piece is on one's sense of self.

That is a significant talent that Amway Ambots who have been brainwashed lack since they have no sense of self. And Ambots don't have it since they're always being told what to do by someone other than themselves. As a result, Amway's proprietors have already placed a price tag on their items, and Ambots have no influence over that. There will undoubtedly be an Amway failure who comes along and claims that they buy wholesale and sell retail, but that will be a load of bullsh*t. Amway's "wholesale" price is significantly inflated in comparison to the poor quality of their product. Consider purchasing a comparable product from Costco or Walmart, which is of higher quality and costs a third or a quarter of the "wholesale" price that Amway charges suckers.

Putting the price tag aside. When and where Amway cult meetings are held, Ambots are instructed by cult leaders to show there.

Amway cult leaders inform Ambots of the amount of shoddy, overpriced Amway products they must purchase each month for their own personal use.

In order to invest in the Amway tool scam, Amway cult leaders order Ambots to do so.

Amway cult leaders urge Ambots to be placed in CORE positions. An Ambot must complete a series of nine steps each month, the majority of which include purchasing all of the Amway-related schtick and keeping track of how many times a week they must present "the business" plan and how many suckers they must drag to Amway meetings, among other schtick-related activities

Those who do not adhere to the aforementioned guidelines can expect to receive a shitkicking from their Amway upline, as well as to be publicly humiliated at cult meetings held by the Amway organisation.

What kind of sense of one's own identity is that? A good sense of self is essential while running your own business since you are only accountable to yourself, thus you must maintain that sense of self in order to stay on track. Even if you don't follow the guidelines, you won't get lectured by a fucking Amway jackass for doing so.

The confidence of a business owner in their ability to run their business in the most efficient manner possible is essential for turning a profit. You already know what I'm talking about. That has been realised by Amway's founders. A lot of indoctrinated Ambots who signed up for their pricey buying club purchase overpriced lousy things, and the proprietors earn a tidy profit off of those losers. However, regaining confidence in your company's ability to turn a profit is an important component of developing a sense of self. In order to keep their firm afloat, a business owner must assess their own strengths and weaknesses and make the required changes to their business plan. That could entail offering discounts on their products or services in order to get them through a slow period.

I recall reading a book years ago, but I don't remember the title; all I remember is an overview of three different ways to generate money vs expenses. However, in general, this could have come from just about any book on establishing a business out there.

1. The first is that the income exceeds the costs of running the firm, resulting in a healthy profit. That is the ideal situation in which most business owners would like to be.

2. Then there's the question of the break-even point. In other words, money is coming in, expenses are being met, and that's about it. Perhaps the company is still in the early stages of development. If a business owner is unable to turn the company's fortunes around, he or she must determine how long they can continue to operate in this situation before closing the doors.

After that comes the part where you're out of money. This signifies that the amount of money spent on running the firm greatly outweighs the amount of money brought in. Again, the business owner must have a strong sense of self in order to make swift decisions on what to do. A business that is not profitable will not be able to survive.

Back to the Amway Ambots, who have lost all sense of self and are unable or unwilling to accept the fact that they are losing large sums of money in the Amway scam. They spend hundreds of dollars per month in order to obtain a $10 commission from the company's corporate headquarters. They are losing money, yet they are unable to walk away at this time. That is not the case when success is just around the corner and they continue to tithe the Great Amway God.

And the Ambot is well aware that if they abandon Scamway, all of the other Ambots will disparage him as a loser and a quitter. That is, they are blind to the fact that the biggest losers in their midst are all ardent adherents of the Amway cult, which they have been brainwashed into not seeing.

Some people create a number of businesses, which they eventually sell or close down completely. Apart from being unprofitable, there could be other factors at play, such as the business owner having lost interest. It just indicates that the business owner is still attempting to determine the ideal form of business to enter into. Possibly they will float around aimlessly for years before they develop a sense of themselves and determine what kind of business to start. A genuine business owner with a strong sense of self will figure out how to fill in the gaps on his or her own initiative.

That is not how things work with Amway Independent Business Owners. They are seated in a room, listening to an Amway cult leader speak about how everyone will become wealthy. And listening to the fairy tale about how they will become wealthy by selling overpriced, shoddy Amway products, eating one food bar and drinking one drink every day, signing up and teaching six others to do the same thing, and they will sign up and teach six others, and so on and so forth for the next 2 to 5 years, after which billions of dollars in residual income will begin to flow, and so on and so forth. You don't become wealthy by sitting in a room full of Amway failures who have all been trained to think in the same manner and drawing a lot of circles on a piece of paper.

If you have a strong sense of self, you'll get as far away from those Amway losers as you possibly can and focus on finding a legitimate entrepreneurial opportunity.

Ambots are devoid of a sense of self. A more traditional way of putting it is that they lack character, they lack backbone, and they lack grit (or determination).

Because if you are unable to identify that you are losing money in your so-called "company" on a monthly basis, you are just lacking the fundamental hard-headed common sense that all rational people possess.

This is especially true for Amway losers. The follies of the Amway swindle were so deeply ingrained in their minds that it was difficult for them to see the light of day. They just refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are losing money.

Fortunately, the majority of ScAmway employees realise the truth within a few months and leave the company. However, it is those who are badly harmed (those who go on to become "CORE" Amway Ambots) who are the ones who end up getting screwed. They'll stay in Amway till they're bankrupt.

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