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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Amway Cult Demands Total Loyalty

 We owe a debt of gratitude to one of our readers for this. Ambot is a doofus and a dumbcunt! LOL! Amway couples are perfectly described by this phrase.

CULTS EXPECT TOTAL LOYALTY FROM THEIR MEMBERS, and this is a fundamental truth of existence. And when they use the term "total," they mean it in the most literal sense.

There are two fascinating and seemingly contradicting facts concerning Amway that are explained in this way. First and foremost, they are fervently committed to the image of "couples." Amway, as anyone who knows anything about the firm can tell you, goes to great lengths to market the image of “Amway couples.” Pay attention to the names in their advertisements and propaganda: it's always "Bob and Carol" or "Ray and Jennifer" or "Art and Nancy" or "Fred and Teresa." (I'm looking forward to the Amway commercial that honours "Doofus and Dumbcunt," but I expect to be waiting a long time for that coupling.)

The second point is that Amway is well-known for attempting to break up marriages and separate couples from their partners. What's the deal with the contradiction? Easy to understand: Amway only accepts marriage proposals from couples who are equally enthusiastic about and dedicated to the Amway business. It is not about love, affection, children, the sharing of pleasures and sorrows, or human companionship for Amway when it comes to a man and a woman. It is about earning money. IT HAS TO DO WITH AMWAY!!! That is all that is important. The rest of the world takes a backseat to this one.

As a result, it comes as no surprise that Amway will purposefully sabotage a relationship if one of the parties involved is dubious of the Amway "Plan." It strikes me as noteworthy that the two most prominent anti-Amway blogs on the internet are maintained by Anna Banana and Joe Cool, both of whom have experienced the traumatic experience of Amway seeking to destroy their marriage or engagement as a result of their involvement with the company.

These Amway scumbags are nothing more than human garbage. Every single person who would attempt to demolish a wonderful relationship in order to sell more low-grade soap and second-rate cosmetics is an absolute moron.

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