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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Ambot Leaves A Comment About The Latest Amway Ambot Scam

 An Amway Ambot showed up here to inform us of the latest scam being perpetrated by the company.

“The Better Business Bureau has recognised Amway as one of the greatest home-based business opportunities.”

One of the things that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are not allowed to do or not do is brag about Amway's association with or lack of affiliation with the Better Business Bureau - BBB – according to the company's terms and conditions. It is one of the reasons why an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) can be fired.

In the event if Amway actually followed through with following its own conditions of conduct, they would be forced to fire their entire commissioned sales staff. LOL!!! I went to a lot of Amway meetings, and the fucking morons in our Amway upline were always talking about their fictitious affiliations with the Better Business Bureau. Numerous Amway morons with brainwashed beliefs show up on this blog and make comments implying that Amway is in cahoots with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

So much for adhering to the IBO's code of conduct! Amway ambots give their employer the big old FUCK YOU and are constantly talking about any imaginary Amway association with the Better Business Bureau. According to Amway ambots that have been brainwashed, it appears that the BBB is licking Amway's ass and sucking dick.

Anyone who visits the BBB website will be able to find out the truth. Any business that want to be accredited by the Better Business Bureau must submit an application and pay an annual fee. Amway is one of the firms that contribute to this effort. Companies are not required to comply with this requirement. What I don't get is why Amway continues to pay the BBB charge, and it doesn't really matter to me. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is designed to act as a go-between when consumers have complaints about a firm. When the Better Business Bureau receives a customer complaint, they convey it to the business and provide them with a time by which they must react. In order to maintain good standing with the Better Business Bureau, the company must react within the specified time frame. They are under no obligation to respond positively to the customer. It is not necessary for a company to be affiliated with the Better Business Bureau in order for them to handle any complaints that are forwarded to them. It is in their best interests to answer because the Better Business Bureau assigns a rating to the company based on whether or not they responded.

It is clearly stated on the Better Business Bureau website that they do not endorse any one business, product, or service. This is done to ensure that they remain an unbiased third party in conflict settlement and to build public confidence in their ability to be fair.

So, what's the most recent ruse that Amway ambots have concocted this time? In order to distinguish themselves from one another, the Better Business Bureau has been renamed to the "better business burow." Although it retains the same pronunciation, Amway Ambots have developed a new word: "burow." Scamway is still trying to dupe people into believing that Scamway is - to paraphrase the stupid little Amway asshole that made the previous remark - "one of the best home biz chances." I suppose ambots can claim anything they want about the fake "better business bureau," but the rest of the world is aware that the genuine Better Business Bureau, which has a similar sounding name, does not rate home-based business prospects. According to this false ass "better business burow" that Amway ambots are now spouting about, home-based enterprises are rated higher than other firms. Amway con artists are a scumbag. And why would you show up on a blog that is dedicated to calling out Amway jerks and bragging about Amway's latest fraud in order to spread the news about Amway's latest scam and lies to the entire world?

You have to come up with some more pretend businesses that love you to death when you're a pretend business owner running a pretend firm, like this fictional "better business bureau" that grades Amway in imagined terms that the real BBB doesn't get involved in because it's a sham.

Suck a dick and kiss his ass. The Amway ambot guidelines are important to follow.

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