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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Amway Losers Will Lie About Anything

 What are your thoughts on the fact that Amway Ambots lie about anything and everything, even when it is patently evident that they are lying? To be an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, divert, and defend. It's just part of the job description.

Whenever you point out a red car, the loser in the Amway programme will lie and claim that it is in fact a blue car.

Lies are told only for the sake of being liars. Working at Amway necessitates having this qualification.

Here's a comment written by Khonda Waves, an Amway Ambot who goes by the name of Khonda. It sounds like the name of a pornographic actor. We aren't sure if that's an adult male or a female:

Hopefully, you will refrain from passing judgement. You're suffering with marital difficulties and taking your frustrations out on your Amway business. I mean, really? I'm sure you only continue to do this because you get paid to do so. Who has the time to waste away their life by making bad comments about anything?????????

Blog? You're going to delete this comment since it's detrimental to your business, right? You really have a lot to lose if you don't keep this "blog" running, don't you? You're in worse shape than an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) who's running this farce. The information on your website is a hoax!

The Khonda bullhit has come to an end.

So, I'm curious as to what the fuck advertisements are you referring to. No, we haven't signed up for any blog advertising just yet. Are advertisements simply appearing at random and being seen by others? Is this simply another filthy scum of the earth Amway jerk who lies and fucks his way through life?

Anna Banana reacts as follows:

This is typical of a fucking Amway jackass that orders people all over the place. Put an end to your judgement. You'll have to figure it out, you stupid fuck. Those motherfucking Amway Ambots are the biggest motherfucking judgemental bastards on the planet, and this website is dedicated to shoving the truth back in their faces. You can't see the irony, can you? That is exactly what brainwashing accomplishes.

What advertisements are you referring to? There are no advertisements on this page, you fucking lying Amway asshole! What a piece of trash! How can you come up on a website that is devoted to making fun of Amway losers and thereby demonstrating that you are nothing more than an embarrassment to yourself and your company?

Why are you Amway losers so concerned with the word "negative"? And, maybe more importantly, how is it that you Amway losers can't distinguish the difference between what is negative and what is true?

It merely goes to illustrate what brainwashing can do to someone's thinking.

Why would we want to remove your comment? Seeing as we're all about making fun of Amway failures and revealing that they're a bunch of liars, the fact that you fuckers came up here to make asses of themselves makes it that much easier for us to mock you.

Yet another fucking Amway loser shows up here, stamping their feet and asking that this website be taken down because it shares our actual tales while at the same time making fun of fucking Amway assholes has gotten them so angry.

Get it out there, you fucktard. We don't have anything to sell at this shop. Unlike Amway, we are not marketing overpriced, substandard products to the public. In contrast to Amway, we are not deceiving people into believing they are the owners of their own firm. We do not accept any form of payment from anyone. This website serves a public service objective, and no one is compensated for their efforts. We do not charge anyone to read what we have to say here. So, how the heck are we defrauding people out of their money when we don't even collect any money ourselves?

It's exactly what the world needs right now. Amway losers who have been brainwashed and become enraged and negative.

Anonymous responds as follows:

“Kohnda Waves” appears and issues commands to everyone in the room. What in the world does she believe she is?

Let us assure you that we are not your obtuse subordinates. You have no right to tell us what to do or how to live our lives.

Now, go suck your Platinum's dick and enjoy it. I'm sure that's a part of your responsibilities at Amway.

Another anonymous contributor adds his or her voice:

Take note of how ignorant and unobservant this group of "Kohnda Waves" are. She is completely oblivious to the fact that there are no advertisements on this website. However, I believe that while you are in Amway, you lose not only your intelligence, but also your perceptual abilities.

“Kohnda”? Is that an abbreviation for "Condom"? If you are a scumbag, I suppose it is true.

Anna Banana reacts as follows:

Thank you, anonymous, for providing a second opinion! I'm debating whether or not I need glasses. Why am I not seeing advertisements? LOL! Amway Ambots lie about things that are so clear that you have to wonder why you would want to make yourself and Amway appear like a bunch of dumb fucks by lying about them.

A similar situation would be similar to attending an Amway meeting when the cult leader points to a painting on the wall of a lighthouse and then tries to convince everyone in the room that the painting is of Mount Rushmore.

Kohnda is unquestionably an Amway scumbag!

Another anonymous contributor makes the following points:

Ambots are taught to be unobservant from a young age. This simplifies the process of information control. Once they have been properly conditioned, they are unable to think for themselves. In this case, Kohnda Waves serves as an excellent example. Whoever this moron is, they believe they have the authority to come here and order you to cease posting. A bot is taught that his or her spoken word has the power to transform lead into gold, after all.

This blog clearly does not generate any income for you. To begin with, there are no advertisements on our website! Even if you were, what exactly would be the problem with it? You, on the other hand, would not be making any money by screwing people and destroying their lives, in contrast to them. As a matter of fact, you would be no different than an honest journalist who makes their living by revealing the truth. Evil people, such as the ambots, can't take the thought of being revealed. This blog is dedicated to cursing out these amway shitheads, and it is really fun when fools like Kohnda Waves come around to annoy the readers of this site.

Having said that, there are very true and detailed accounts of how Amway has ruined people's life! Your name is Kohnda Waves and you're a filthy serpent. Snake oil salesman, what a piece of trash! If we asked you to supply any raw data, your response would be that Amway is a faith-based organisation. A cynical way of suggesting that your money has been flushed down the toilet!

Anna Banana puts it succinctly:

"Kohnda Waves" is yet another bankrupt Amway failure who devotes his life to tithing to the Great Amway God and to living the Ambot dream: "lying, denying, distracting, and defending." After then, they vanish.

The multi-level marketing (MLM) industry is one that can be difficult to manage successfully. MLMs such as Amway have earned a bad reputation due to the high-pressure sales tactics, pyramid plan structure, and cult-like environment that they employ. Some people have been successful at making money with Amway, but the vast majority of people who get involved with the corporation wind up losing money and having their personal relationships suffer as a result of their involvement. Regrettably, many Amway distributors who have been unable to earn a profit will resort to lying in order to save face. This is a common practice.

The claim that they are doing well financially is one of the most typical lies told by those who are not successful in Amway. In order to convey the idea that they are successful, many distributors may post photographs of luxury automobiles, luxurious vacations, and other material goods on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. On the other hand, the truth is frequently quite different. A significant number of Amway distributors are mired in financial distress and are having trouble making ends meet. It's possible that in order to purchase Amway products or attend business events, they have racked up a mound of debt by taking out loans or charging up their credit cards to their maximum limit.

Another false statement that many who are unsuccessful with Amway will make is that they are content with their choice to become a distributor. In order to convey the appearance that they are a member of a community that is supportive of one another, they might post pictures of themselves participating in Amway events or getting together with other distributors. On the other hand, the truth is frequently quite different. Because of the high-pressure sales tactics and cult-like atmosphere that Amway distributors are expected to adhere to, many of the company's independent sales representatives report that their friends and family members have distanced themselves from them. It's possible that they feel stuck in their Amway business, unable to escape for fear of being shunned by the community if they quit.

Amway distributors who fail at the business frequently spread the myth that the company's products are of superior quality and excellent value. Despite the fact that there is no scientific proof to support these claims, a large number of Amway distributors will assert that their company's products are superior to those of the companies that Amway competes with. In point of fact, many of the products that are sold by Amway are marked up to an excessive degree and are of dubious quality. There is a possibility that distributors would have difficulty selling these products to end users, which will further hurt their prospects of making a profit.

In conclusion, Amway distributors who have failed at the business will tell lies about anything in order to avoid admitting they have made a mistake and to save face. These Amway distributors are frequently caught in a loop of deception and denial, in which they lie about their financial success, their contentment with the firm, or the quality of Amway's products. Although it is possible to make money with Amway, the vast majority of people who get involved with the organization wind up losing money and destroying their personal relationships instead. However, it is possible to make money with Amway. Anyone who is thinking about joining a multi-level marketing company (MLM) like Amway needs to make sure they do their homework and go into the opportunity with a fair amount of skepticism.

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