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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Leonard, Norman & Glenda Amway


  • January 1981


  • Ruby 1985
  • Diamond 1989
  • Executive Diamond 1993
  • Double Diamond 1996

Front line Diamond

  • Leonard, Norman & Glenda, Double Diamond, Australia, Network TwentyOne
  • Nusshold, Hans & Eva, Crown Ambassador, Austria, Network TwentyOne
  • Somers, Angie & Nilsson, Craig, Triple Diamond, Australia, Network TwentyOne
  • Peskops, Ingrid, Diamond, Australia, Network TwentyOne
  • Kagan, Ronnie & Jane, Diamond, Australia, Network TwentyOne

A Case Study in Success

After starting with Amway in January 1981 and growing their business to at least the Ruby level, Graham and Glenda Sharp decided to retire (according to the March 1985 Aust. Amagram).

 Glenda and her husband separated in the mid-1980s, and she continued to build on her own until she reached the Diamond level in 1989. 

Following Norman Leonard's marriage, the company grew to Executive Diamond status, qualifying in 1993, and then Double Diamond status in 1996. 

Angie Somers, a Triple Diamond, and Crown Ambassadors Peter and Debbie Cox are among the members of their Australian downline.

 In 2007, Glenda Leonard took over responsibility for their Amway business; however, Norman Leonard, who is originally from South Africa, continues to assist with international operations.

As a result of their business, Norman and Glenda have incredible lives. 

When they think about how different their lives would have been if they had not started this business, they are grateful for the freedom of choice it has provided them...

 In South Africa, Norman was born and raised, and he went on to study engineering and travel extensively before settling in Australia.

 He was looking for alternatives after becoming dissatisfied with the constraints and uncertainties of corporate life. "This business has given me the permission to dream again," he says.

Glenda had a varied career in the fields of fashion, art, and travel. 

She recalls that she was one of those people who desperately desired a different outcome in their lives, but who were apprehensive about making any changes. 

Following educational CDs and attending a few functions was what first opened Glenda's eyes to the time and financial freedom that networking could provide. 

People's lives can be transformed when they have a compelling reason to do so and are willing to learn and apply the success principles taught by Network TwentyOne and the business. 

What it takes to be successful is first learning to "talk the talk" and then actually doing so.

 Norman and Glenda have always been motivated to succeed by the outstanding example, leadership, and education provided by their sponsors, Jim and Nancy Dornan.

Today, life is all about choice... the ability to go to the beach, go to the gym, travel to exotic areas, and spend quality time with family and friends is what life is about. 

Having the freedom to live our lives as we desire while at the same time being on a never-ending search to locate others who want to alter their fate and assist them in starting a business so they can fulfil their goals is a lot of fun!

The wealthy and the beggar both have the same number of hours in a day; it is how they choose to spend these hours that determines their financial fortune.

Leonard, Norman & Glenda Amway

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1 comment:

  1. I would love to get a CD copy or download of your presentation, "The Power of Goals." It was so powerful then, and I've lost my original tape. Thanks in advance if you can help.


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