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Friday, July 30, 2021

Li, Arthur & Juni Amway

 aka Li Jiada, Yuan Huizhu and his wife

Amway Hong Kong is the source of this information.

Approximately 20 years ago, Arthur and Juni led a life that was typical of recent university graduates: they had gotten positions in the government sector. However, they made the decision to make a change. Since then, the transformation has provided them with the unprecedented opportunity to start their own business. "After researching Amway's history, compensation plan, and products, we discovered that the company stands out above other direct selling organisations. It is a long-term and financially solid business option to pursue. We were especially fascinated by the concept and vision of the co-founders "Juni expressed herself.

On a regular basis, we come with folks who have little control over their lives. "We arrange our work at Amway, and we are not subjected to the ordinary pressures of the workplace. I don't carry a cell phone or a pager since I know when I'll be called upon to help. I would be on time, and I would be prepared ""It was Arthur," he remarked. Indeed, financial safety is provided by Amway throughout the rest of one's life. Despite the fact that the pair is well-educated, they feel that people from all educational backgrounds may achieve success if they put out their best effort.

"Our family has enjoyed a beautiful life as a result of the financial benefit we received for starting an Amway business. We have the financial means to pay for our children's international education and to live our lives the way we choose. In addition, Amway's travel award provided us with the opportunity to travel to a variety of various places." The couple's eldest daughter works as a solicitor, while their younger daughter, a Harvard University MBA graduate, is aiding in the university's research initiatives, and their youngest son is pursuing a degree in law in the United Kingdom.Success Stories

Juni's brother introduced the Amway business plan to her and Arthur thirty years ago, teaching them that through their efforts, the Amway business might bring them long-term income and financial liberty. They fell in love with Amway's great products since then and wished for the incredible independence this business could afford them. "We took the Amway business as our life career immediately as we learned it. We were entirely focused to expanding and establishing our network, pushing Amway's products and business prospects to our friends. In less than three years, we became Diamond Direct Distributors, and we began to live the free lifestyle Amway offered," stated Arthur. "We provided our children a suitable environment for their growing and all three of them were well-educated, each with varied achievement. I guess all five of us having university degrees may be seen as our unique success outside Amway!"

In order to expand the Amway business successfully, Arthur thinks one need to learn to understand Amway's ideas and carry out Amway's spirit besides believing in Amway's business strategy and products. "Just as persistence is the driving force pushing Marathon runners to the finishing line, it is also a need for ongoing improvement in building the Amway business. In both circumstances, the victors are those who never give up. I actively participate in Marathon race and encourage others to join. Running the Marathon makes me healthy and increases my willpower, so I want to introduce it to the others while I am enjoying the benefits. The same for developing the Amway business, we suggest it to the others by giving an example of our devotion and persuading them with our actions so that our friends can experience the success. All that we have earned today started from our association with Amway. Through our past efforts, we enjoy the outcome today."

Li, Arthur & Juni

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