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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Taylor, Terry & Lorri Amway

 LT Diamonds Terry and Lorri Taylor are Diamonds from Harrisburg, Virginia who are involved with the company. 

They received their Emerald qualification in 1983 and their Diamond qualification in 1984. Since then, in 2008, they have qualified for the Diamond level once more.

Dirk, Dillon, and Bryant Taylor, the Taylors' three sons, are all establishing businesses in their father's downline.

She was the Homecoming Queen, and he was the football team's captain at the time. 

That year, they were sophomores at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and this attractive couple felt on top of the world. 

In the present, everything was wonderful, and the future seemed even better!

According to Terry, "I went on to play for the World Football League after graduation." 

When an injury halted my professional career, my wife and I had to decide on a new direction for our lives. 

We were both perplexed, so we returned to school, where Lorri accepted a position at the university and I enrolled in graduate school. 

As a freshman football coach at North Carolina, I came into contact with Paul Miller, who was attending law school at the time.

According to Terry, at the time, "we were only making $300.00 a month, paying $128.00 a month in rent, and driving a van worth $300.00, when Paul encouraged us to come and see the "plan." 

Even though we had no idea what this entailed, we knew that if it meant spending any money at all, we would be unable to take part. 

We went ahead and checked it out, and we were both instantly enthused. The potential for a highly successful business was completely recognised by Lorri, but as a person who does not have her degree of faith in myself, I saw opportunities to earn an additional $75.00 or so every month.

As a result, their trip began. Terence and Lorri were promoted to the Platinum level in two years, to the Sapphire level in five years, and to the Diamond level in eight years. 

When Terry says, "We didn't grow quickly," he is referring to the fact that when you grow, no one notices or cares about how long it took you to get there.

Everyone knows that no one will ask since in this company, everyone is respected for who they are and what they require. 

Some independent business owners (IBOs) are determined to break the sound barrier with their success, but others need to maintain a greater sense of balance in their lives and make the change more slowly. 

The goal remains the same whether it takes two years, 10 years, or twenty years. Moreover, despite the fact that no one asked, Terry and Lorri undoubtedly had their fair share of "life" to contend with along the road.

"We had four sons, discovered that our firstborn had cerebral palsy, relocated seven times, changed jobs nine times, lost a brother to cancer, Lorri's father to a heart attack, four grandparents died, and I worked with Paul Miller as Peggy Britt's product guy," Terry recalls.

The journey to Diamond allowed us to enhance our marriage, form lifetime friendships, travel all over the globe, become financially successful, deepen our spiritual convictions, and dream bigger ambitions than we ever imagined were possible."

Taylor, Terry & Lorri

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