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Friday, August 6, 2021

Ross, Skip & Susan Amway

 "He discovered that the business aligned nicely with his dedication to assisting people. "

"Skip Ross holds a bachelor of arts in social science from Fuller Seminary, as well as a bachelor of divinity and a master's in theology from the same institution. Construction of this type of business, he discovered, aligned nicely with his desire to assist others in some way. Susan's background as a primary education teacher was an excellent match for his, and she had also grown up in a family that was involved in the business world. Skip and Susan were particularly interested in reaching teenagers, and as their company grew in popularity, they purchased a ranch outside Grand Rapids, which they named Circle "A." In the words of Skip, the ranch's primary focus is on educating and inspiring young people to achieve greater levels of performance, contribution and fulfilment by saying 'yes' to their potential and becoming what God made them to be. This firm is a manifestation of the values to which we have dedicated our lives. And it's now taking place on a global scale."

Skip created a series of four cassette tapes titled "You Can Be a Winner." These would have been created at the very latest in the early 1980s, if not even before. This described his formula for success, which was DL=(GGE+PS)*PSI, which stands for Dynamic Living equal to God Given Equipment multiplied by the Principle of Success, which was multiplied by the Proper Self Image. A large amount of time was spent in this audio series on creating a Positive Self Image, which was followed by discussions on God Given Equipment and Success Principles. According to numerous IBOs, these tapes are regarded classic audio recordings.

In addition, he co-authored a book with Carole Carlson entitled Say Yes to Your Potential. This book was first published in 1983, and subsequent editions have been issued on a regular basis since then. It dealt with the same subject matter as the tape series.

Skip Ross also has his own website, which you can find here.

In 2007, their daughter Melody and her husband Chris qualified as new Platinums, becoming the first family to do so.

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