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Friday, August 6, 2021

Delisle, Dennis & Sharon Amway

 Coming to Morgan Hill - a brief introduction In July of 1976, my wife Sharon and I relocated to Morgan Hill, California. We've been watching the city grow for the past 30 years. Our daughter Annette was two years old when we relocated to this area, and our son Dennis Jr. was born two weeks after we did. Annette currently resides in Tampa, Florida. Her academic background is in Christian Ministries, and she is currently employed as a personal trainer. Dennis Jr. and his wife Lori reside in Morgan Hill, California, with their three children. Dennis is the owner of "Whole People Inc.", and Lori runs an image consulting firm in addition to her full-time job as a mother of three sons under the age of five. We are proud of our children and grateful for the people and community activities that were available to them when they were growing up in Morgan Hill. My parents, Frank and Rita Delisle, also lived in Morgan Hill for a few years until a few of years ago. My brother Frank and his wife Barbara Delisle also lived in Morgan Hill and raised their four children there. As you can see, Morgan Hill has meant a great deal to our families and will continue to mean a great deal to our future family as it grows here.

In terms of education, Sharon and I were high school sweethearts and graduated from Cupertino High School in 1966, respectively. After that, I went on to De Anza Jr. College, where I graduated with an A.A. Degree in business administration in 1968. I then attended San Jose State University, where I earned a B.S. in Accounting, graduating with the class of 1971. After graduation, I feel that education doesn't come to an end. It is actually the beginning. You must continue to educate yourself through seminars, books, and audios, particularly in the area of financial intelligence, because it is so important in all you do in business.

We are members of Morgan Hill Bible Church, which is our religious home. It is a Christian church that is not affiliated with any particular denomination. We have been members of the church since its inception in the early 1980s. Believe in the existence of God, that every life is precious and unique, and that God has a specific plan for your life, and that God has a special purpose for your life. I think that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that by following it, your life will be made more meaningful and fulfilling.

Sharon and I are celebrating our 38th wedding anniversary this year. Sharon was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease three weeks after we exchanged wedding vows. We didn't know how long she had left to live at the time. Throughout our lives, we've had a slew of physicians, hospitals, and obstacles to overcome. Because of our faith, our lives have been blessed despite these difficulties, and we look forward to 38+ more years of marriage together in the future.

Delisle, Dennis & Sharon

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