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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Dinler, Ali & Özge

 They achieved their success by focusing on their dreams and not taking their eyes off their dreams.

When their life didn't go the way they did, they chose to look for a solution instead of getting upset and giving up on everything.

No problems verydu? Of course there was! These problems were frequently in front of the walls...

For example, Ali's business plan shares after he met the job... 45 Plan narration, 60 candidates, only 2 records! It's what keeps Ali afloat while experiencing all these failures (more accurately, his experiences).

"Before this work, we had no significant achievements, we were people. In the way, we wanted to move forward and improve ourselves." Ali says.

Amway offers you the opportunity to take control of your life. You can also build a magnificent empire with it,

They wanted to give their children to the school they wanted, not their budget. This was especially vital for Özge. Or will their children's futures win?

They are very proud of the FREEDOM they have, and they aim to raise their children in a way that they can do their own "FREE" work, not with the aim of working for others in an ordinary way that they will get "good salary".

He explains how they got there: "We definitely worked... We worked consistently... We worked when our motivation was high......We worked with our motivation... We worked hard for the most part of what we could possibly do, but most of the time...

From the point of view of an engineer, a financial expert, a writer, an unemployed and a holding manager, I can say this emphatically; AMWAY is the best business opportunity a common citizen can do in the world! - Of course!

A word from our Star Grand Crown leader always rings in our ears: anyhow do it!

We are proud of our teammates who say that we are where you are, we are going wherever you are going, and we promise to do whatever it takes for their success!"


Dinler, Ali & Özge

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