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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Are You "Playing Amway"?

 One thing my sponsor frequently reminded the group of was the fact that many of us were "playing" Amway at the time. Many people can spend hours listening to an audio CD every day, reading a success book for 15-30 minutes every day, attending all of the functions, using and/or selling 100 PV or more each month, and still never make significant progress in their business. His main point was that you are just playing Amway as long as you are not demonstrating the plan and sponsoring downline. And, while I agree with you, I honestly believe that the majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) simply "play" the company. And this is largely due to the fact that you can exert control over some of these activities, but you have no control over who you can sponsor.

The most of the CORE actions, such as listening to standing orders or CDs/audios on a daily basis, are doable by most people. They can read every day and participate in all of the events. They are even permitted to utilise and sell Amway merchandise. However, as a result of earlier IBO behaviour, many people have been unable to convince anyone to view the plan, let alone sponsor others. According to the general consensus (at least in the United States and Canada), everyone knows someone who was deceived or duped into attending an Amway meeting. This alone has given Amway a sinister reputation, and the mere mention of the company's name can cause customers to flee the premises. I was misled into attending a meeting once, and as an IBO, I witnessed people jump up, curse, and storm out of the room because they had been lied to or tricked into attending a meeting based on the curiosity approach to begin with. Has this been attempted, or have you been taught how to utilise it, if you're an IBO?

I do not feel that independent business owners in general are dishonest or deceptive. I feel that the most of them are likely motivated, want more in life, and dedicated to their jobs. They are, nevertheless, taught to reproduce or copy the actions of their superiors. I feel that some of the tenured executives are the ones who teach harmful business methods that are reproduced and spread like an infectious disease, much like the spread of a disease. In my opinion, it was as a result of this that Amway's North American sales suffered, to the point where they no longer publish North American sales separately from global sales. From 2013 to the present, Amway's sales have decreased dramatically.

Stopping and taking a deep breath allows you to notice the cracks in the armour of the previously invincible and "divine" gems, as well as the signs of their vulnerability. Diamonds are suing other diamonds as well as Amway, according to the news. Diamonds are losing their houses as a result of foreclosure (so much for paying cash). Years ago, a triple diamond filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy, and hoards of diamonds fled their LOS, along with their "amazing" teachers and longtime friends, to start their own LOS in their own town or city. What is causing this to happen? I believe it is due to greed on the part of the government. What other reason would you give up a "mentor" and a "lifelong buddy" to start your own legal services company? It's all about the money these days.

Unfortunately, while all of this is going on, the majority of independent business owners (IBOs) come and go, lose money, and "play Amway." It truly saddens me that this has gone on for so long, and it looks like (in my opinion), that my former LOS, WWDB, seems to have been the worst of the bunch with no apparent improvement in the last 15 to 20 years or so.

You can work extremely hard at "playing Amway," but you will not generate enough net profit to cover the cost of a value dinner at McDonald's. Of course you are welcome to prove me wrong.

Companies that engage in multi-level marketing (MLM), such as Amway, have been in business for many years and provide people with the opportunity to become their own boss and attain financial independence. "Playing Amway" refers to the act of claiming to be a successful Amway distributor without actually developing a business. While some people have been able to achieve their goals with Amway and other multi-level marketing businesses, others may find themselves in the position of "playing Amway."

Therefore, what exactly does it mean to say that one is "playing Amway"? Simply defined, it is when someone signs up with Amway as a distributor, attends meetings and events, and may even recruit a few people here and there, but they never truly put in the effort required to develop a successful business for themselves. They may give the idea that they are a successful Amway distributor by posting images of themselves using Amway items or attending Amway events on social media, but in reality, they are not earning any meaningful income at all from Amway.

There are a variety of situations in which a person could find himself participating in Amway. One possible reason is that they were initially persuaded to sign up by a close friend or member of their own family, but they soon discovered that running a successful Amway business demands a major investment of time and energy. Some people, in order to spare themselves the humiliation or disappointment of admitting that they are having difficulty, may behave as though they are further along on their path to success than they really are.

One further reason someone can be involved with Amway is because they actually like the things that the company sells. Amway provides its customers with a diverse selection of goods, such as dietary supplements, products for beauty and personal care, and cleaning supplies for the home. There are some people who might join Amway for no other reason than the fact that they recognize the high quality of the items and desire to make use of them for themselves and their families. On the other hand, it's possible that they have no interest in truly constructing a business and just want to buy the products at a reduced price for themselves.

It is essential to keep in mind that participating in Amway is not always a terrible idea, provided that individuals are truthful with both themselves and others about the reasons for their participation. However, it is crucial to be aware of the possible hazards of multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations like Amway, and it is also important to recognize that in order to establish a successful business with these companies, a significant amount of time, effort, and expertise is required.

One of the most significant drawbacks of participating in Amway is the potential for it to trick other people. It is possible to mislead other people who are thinking about becoming Amway distributors if someone gives the appearance that they are successful by attending events or sharing images on social media that give the impression that they are successful at what they do for Amway. In addition, if an individual is not truly earning any considerable revenue despite their efforts to give the image that they are succeeding while playing Amway, this can lead to feelings of disappointment and dissatisfaction for the individual.

Another problem with multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations like Amway is that their primary source of revenue frequently comes from the recruitment of new members. This indicates that those who join Amway are typically urged to recruit their friends and family members to also join Amway with them. However, if someone is just playing Amway and not actually creating a business, they may be doing those they are recruiting a disservice because they are not providing them with an accurate picture of what it takes to be successful with Amway. This is because they are not providing them with an accurate picture of what it takes to be successful in Amway.

In conclusion, participating in Amway is not inherently a negative thing, provided that individuals are honest with themselves and others about their objectives, both toward themselves and toward the other participants. However, it is crucial to be aware of the possible hazards of multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations like Amway, and it is also important to recognize that in order to establish a successful business with these companies, a significant amount of time, effort, and expertise is required. If someone is not interested in constructing a business with Amway, they should be forthright about their ambitions and not give the idea that they are more successful than they actually are. In other words, they should not lie about their level of success. In the end, the choice to sign up with a multi-level marketing organization like Amway should come from a place of real belief in both the products and the business opportunity offered by the company, rather than from a desire to present oneself as someone they are not.

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