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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Amway IBOs Keep Paying?

 One element that appears to be similar among IBOs is the fact that they are in denial about their situation. They have a genuine belief that their uplines are looking out for their best interests and that their uplines are motivated by their achievement. That is not something I believe to be true. In the case of Amway, if uplines were actually making a fortune, why would a downline IBO be required to pay for virtually every amount of assistance they receive from upline leaders? Why aren't any functionalities offered at no cost? What would it make if you were making millions upon millions of dollars? Would it make any difference to you?

For the purpose of demonstrating the plan, you would be required to pay to attend an open meeting as well as to pay for your visitors, regardless of whether or not they register as a result of the presentation. If you want to communicate with your upline and downlines, you must pay for voicemail. The cost of standing orders is deducted from your paycheck, and you may be charged twice if you were present at a gathering when the standing order was recorded. You'll also have to pay for books and other supplies.

Furthermore, many independent business owners (IBOs) turn their backs when confronted with unpleasant facts. For example, several independent business owners (IBOs) claim that a well-known triple diamond was involved in bankruptcy proceedings. They continue to edify and pay for financial advice from a man who could not even manage his own financial affairs at the time of the interview. They believe that Amway can save marriages even when the leaders who are preaching this are themselves going through a divorce. This is similar to upline simply revising history, while downlines simply accept it without question. Many independent business owners (IBOs) do not even consider it a problem because some upline lied and claimed that there were no profits from tools in the past. This is puzzling to me because tool earnings are still veiled in secret, and downline simply believes that they will eventually receive a cut, even in the absence of a formal compensation plan and agreement.

I feel that a large number of IBOs are simply in denial. They put their faith in upline, and upline takes advantage of them. IBOs are told they are successful simply for attending a gathering, despite the fact that they may be losing money month after month in their business. It is possible that they will be taught that the Amway company is not about making money, but rather about making friends. It is possible that they will be told that they are nicer persons as a result of their engagement in Amway. What far too many independent company owners (IBOs) fail to see is that they are in denial about their businesses. Most independent business owners (IBOs) are losing money, albeit in little amounts, such as $100 or $150 each month. For the dedicated, it may be even more. However, they are trained to reject these obvious truths and to deny that there is a problem in the first place.

In the hopes of informing information searchers and perhaps new IBOs who have not yet been thoroughly indoctrinated, some of these approaches will be made available to them. When looking at this offer, I recommend folks to ask tough questions, demand answers, and conduct due diligence before making a decision. The reality is that only a small percentage of people ever make a profit, and people should be aware of this before getting engaged. IBOs eventually pay up and continue to pay upline for their wise counsel, despite the fact that their bank accounts continue to get lighter by the day. What will be the conclusion?

In order to keep their position as active Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and continue to engage in the Amway business opportunity, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are needed to pay a variety of fees and charges. Purchases of products, costs associated with education and training, costs associated with marketing and promotion, and annual renewal fees are examples of some of these fees and expenses.

The following is a list of some of the reasons why Amway Independent Business Owners may continue to be responsible for certain fees and expenses:

Belief in the Business Opportunity Believing that the Amway business opportunity may give them with the financial freedom and emotional fulfillment they want is a driving force for many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs). They may view the required payments, including the fees and expenses, as an investment in their future and continue to do so in the expectation of reaching their goals.

Commitment to their Team Because Amway Independent Business Owners typically create their companies as part of a team, they may experience a sense of obligation to continue supporting their team financially by paying fees and other expenses. They might also get the impression that the other members of their team are counting on them to contribute to the team's overall success.

Fear of Regressing Some Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) may be hesitant to discontinue paying fees and costs because they are afraid of regressing in their business and losing the progress they have made. For instance, if they stop making product purchases or attending training sessions, they run the risk of losing credibility with both their clients and the members of their team. Additionally, they run the risk of having their position as an active IBO revoked.

Pressure from Upline IBOs: Upline IBOs, who are higher-ranked members of an IBO's team, may put pressure on their downline IBOs to continue paying fees and costs in order to preserve their status and rank within the organization. This is done so that the downline IBOs can continue to receive benefits from the organization. This pressure might come across as encouragement, persuasion, or even outright coercion depending on how it's delivered.

Lack of Awareness It's possible that some Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) do not have a complete understanding of the fees and expenses that are associated with the business, or that they do not know of alternative ways to run their business that are more cost-effective. As a consequence of this, they might keep paying these fees even after fully evaluating the effect it will have on their finances.

In conclusion, Independent Business Owners in Amway may continue to pay fees and expenses for a variety of reasons, including their belief in the business opportunity, devotion to their team, fear of losing progress, pressure from upline IBOs, or lack of awareness. Although it may be necessary to pay these fees and expenses in order to take part in the Amway business opportunity, Independent Business Owners (IBOs) should take the time to thoroughly analyze the impact on their finances and ensure that they are making decisions based on accurate information.

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