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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Why Did I Join Amway?

 For those who have already joined Amway and are attempting to make a buck, only to witness net losses month after month, it is understandable to ask why they signed up with the company in the first place. My first motivation for being an IBO was the promise that I could easily earn a few of hundred dollars each month, which would have a significant influence on my financial situation at the moment. Without a doubt, it made reasonable that I would need to put a little amount of money down to get started and learn the ropes of running a small business.

When I first began out, there was a lot of anticipation and enthusiasm about my company. I sponsored people, and my company was on its road to success. I was hailed as a game-changer, and I even had the opportunity to attend certain home board meetings with my upline diamond. Despite the fact that I followed all of the advice I received and implemented the business parameters that were recommended, I observed that whatever money I earned was either lost or devoured by the "next major function," which devoured any money I gained and then some. As you should be aware, there are four major functions and a slew of regional functions to be performed. However, for many, the most important functions are held outside of your local area, necessitating travel, often by air.

My understanding of what was going on began when I attended a gathering dubbed a "family reunion." After the function, my upline platinum insisted that we "stay out" until about 1:30 a.m. after which we left. He began to explain how the business has nothing to do with money. He was adamant. This was the most essential component of the business to us: making friends, becoming kinder people, being better husbands or parents, and not making money. While several people shook their heads in agreement, I was wondering, "What the hell?" My time and money would not have been spent in a business where I was "moving and shaking" but not making any money if I had known what I was getting myself into.

Many IBOs have reached a stage where they may find it difficult to quit. Having put in considerable time, money, and effort into your business, you may have been indoctrinated to believe that quitting is synonymous with failure, or that success is just around the corner and you don't want to give up too soon. However, I strongly advise you to look at the facts. What is your net income on a yearly basis? Is it a series of red numbers? Is this a regular loss that is principally attributable to the purchase of tools and functions? If this is the case, you should consider why you joined. Was it in order to be a nicer person, or was it in order to make some money?

What are your chances of turning a profit in the near future if you are only breaking even or incurring losses? Amway executives have stated on numerous occasions that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a form of lunacy. What part of the world are you in?

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