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Monday, August 16, 2021

Why People Believe In Amway?

 Many IBOs cannot be convinced that Amway is not the best opportunity in the world, since they want to believe the lies/deception that is commonly employed when they are recruited. They want to believe that 2-5 years of part time effort will result in everlasting residual income and that they will be going to the beaches of the world while cash keeps coming in. They wish to believe that they can abandon their (often) less than sufficient occupations. They want to believe that a part time soap business will make all of this attainable. The folks (upline) who claim to have everyone's best interest at heart will sell them a proven system of success and all they need to do is follow the steps to success.

Many people sign up for Amway and do absolutely nothing. They may not ever order or try things. But these consumers do not grumble about Amway and the fees they may incur are minimal. Most do not even attempt to seek a refund on their beginning package. It makes me question why these guys even bother to sign up. Although, there are reports of people being pestered into registering. Anyway, the part where this thing gets dicey is when people register and do put in a genuine effort, only to end up with financial losses. Sometimes the losses are in the tens of thousands of dollars. You get pressed for a few of hundreds of dollars a month and after a few years of effort, you can find yourself drowning in debt, even after doing all your upline instructed. The fact that uplines don't share their business financials speaks volumes. Former uplines who have come forward have proven that most of their money came from hawking standing orders and seminars, and not from Amway sales as they would claim.

I bought into the hype at one time. I believed the falsehoods. I believed my upline that no profit was earned from tools. At the time I was an IBO, I too, wanted to believe that I could work part time for 2-5 years then ditch my job. That I would retire at the age of 35 and live in luxury forever. I wanted to believe that. But having reached the 4000 PV level, the brink of platinum, I also learned that I had no profit. I sat down and performed the arithmetic and realized that they would be little profit at platinum. I cam to the idea that a second job would have suited me better. I finally quit when I understood this, combined with my upline seeking absolute control of my life. But I held on as long as I did because I wanted to believe that Amway would be the vehicle that provided my financial freedom.

Having dropped out of Amway, my life rapidly reverted back to normal. Friends that I had avoided returned to my life. My disposable income grew and my cash flow was positive once again, now that I was no longer required to purchase tools. I also saw years later, that the same elderly leaders on stage were still working as hard as ever, and none of them had accepted the option to retire and stroll the beaches of the world. Perhaps these leaders also want to - or have to believe in Amway because they have already invested too much time and effort to call it quits and start something else. I wanted to believe, but the fact is that people were not succeeding. People were not getting free. What I saw was home foreclosures, bankruptcies and financial troubles made worse for people due of Amway and the tool systems. And evidently, these same difficulties apply to the gems. Do your study and you will likely get the same result as I did. That Amway is an unrealistic dream.

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