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Monday, August 16, 2021

Are You "Buying From Yourself"?

 Another huge hoax taught by some uplines is the practically exclusive "purchase from yourself" concept. This is one of the most common shams. No, I'm not arguing that supporting your own business is a terrible idea; however, are you truly supporting your own company? Your upline is misleading you, and I will explain why this is the case in more detail.

Despite the fact that you believe you are purchasing from yourself, you are actually purchasing from Amway. Amway profits from the sales of its products. If you make a large enough purchase, they will give you a little rebate. Essentially, you spend approximately $300 and receive a $10 reimbursement. In actuality, an independent business owner (IBO) is a distributor or a middleman. If you join as a new IBO at the 100 PV level, you will receive a 3 percent bonus, while your uplines and sponsor will receive roughly 29 percent to 30 percent in bonuses for their efforts. As a result, you will receive approximately $10, while your uplines receive approximately $90. In addition, your upline may claim that the "profit" you make from purchasing from yourself is the same as if you were shopping at Costco, which is incorrect. The good news is that if you shop at Costco, you get to retain the money you saved. It is likely that if you make a profit in Amway, you will be expected to spend that amount on additional tools and functions.

Consider the following scenario: What if your husband was in the business of baking and selling cookies? Would you be able to gain money by devouring the entire batch of cookies? By eating all of the cookies yourself, you would not make any money even if you received a little rebate for the supplies you used to make the cookies. It is necessary for you to sell the cookies to consumers in order to have money in your pocket. I'm baffled as to how IBOs are led to believe that they can be successful and earn money simply by acquiring and eating Amway products without having to sell anything. According to Amway's own statistics, independent business owners (IBOs) do not sell much, except to their own downline and to themselves.

Furthermore, upline that provide tools that teach this strategy are more than likely selling you a defective system that almost guarantees you will lose money in the long run. A select few IBOs will emerge from time to time who will be able to overcome huge odds and barriers in order to progress to higher levels in the business, but I would estimate that more than 99 percent of those that sign up will never even come close to reaching the emerald or diamond levels. To be honest, the buy from yourself scheme will only benefit the higher level distributors and will not benefit you or your purchase of tools, as it is rewarding your upline for teaching an ineffective system.

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