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Monday, August 16, 2021

Your Upline Hypocrite?

 Because the internet is so widely available, information is openly shared, and some of the dark secrets of the Lines of Sponsorship have been revealed as a result of this. It is also becoming increasingly apparent that a group of upline leaders are massive hypocrites who are apparently motivated by avarice and personal gain as time progresses. This is also a pattern that I anticipate will continue. According to the evidence, these same leaders have been able to go through Amway's accreditation criteria, which appear to be completely ineffective.

Many upline leaders use stories about how the Amway business may help couples save their marriages to entice people to join them. I recall being in the audience when some diamonds talked about how couples who start their own businesses have a divorce rate of less than 2 percent, compared to the national average of 50 percent or so. One of the most frequently cited reasons was the financial strain that J-O-B workers were under (not enough cash). However, we are seeing more and more upline diamond leaders getting divorced, and in some cases, no explanation is given, as if the missing spouse was beam up by extraterrestrials to the surface. The history of many leaders is simply rewritten, and some leaders even deny that key events occurred. Some leaders simply act that nothing happened, and it appears that IBOs are extremely forgiving, leading to the lack of any real accountability being applied to upline leaders.

People have also discovered that some diamonds generate a significant amount of revenue from the sale of tools. When I was an IBO, we were told unequivocally that there were no profits to be earned from tools. Profits were re-invested in the functions, allowing them to become better and more affordable. If any function has become more affordable in the previous 12 years, what is it? As a matter of fact, as an Independent Business Owner, I was told that WWDB was a non-profit organisation, which I thought was a flagrant falsehood. I would concede that upline eventually revised their tale to say that WWDB was a for-profit corporation, but that no profits were retained, and that money was instead channelled to make events better and more affordable. When was the last time an event was less expensive? Now, I do not believe that events should be held for free, but I do believe that the leaders should be honest about it rather than hiding behind lies and a veil of secrecy that frequently accompany discussions of tools and tool money.

Some upline executives also expressed their displeasure with the idea of taking out a loan, stating that banks make so much money off the interest. In this day and age, we see some of these very leaders having their properties seized! Some of these diamonds were the very ones who stated that they would pay cash for everything, even their homes and automobiles, if they could. Instead of hoping that these individuals will suffer, it is exposing the lies and deception that leaders employed in order to persuade IBOs into joining and purchasing equipment that were meant to enable IBOs achieve the same lifestyle as diamonds. To the contrary, I believe that WWDB and some other LOSs, at least in the United States, have less diamonds currently than they had 15 years ago. Where has the proof of success been hidden?

That the hypocrisy of some of these leaders is exposed to their downline, and that the downline simply ignores it and continues to follow blindly without seeking an explanation or challenging the leaders after the instances are revealed, is even more remarkable.

When these types of difficulties develop, IBOs should approach their bosses with queries. Furthermore, if the response you receive is silence or deflections, you should rethink your approach.

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