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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Amway Ambot Guide To Qualify Prospects

 When Amway ambots crawl out of their rat sewers in search of victims, here's what I think they should do: Sponsoring people who you don't care for is a bad decision.

While this may seem like a tangential point, I believe that when recruiting Amway IBOs, it is wise to cross people off your list who don't like you, or even more importantly, if their spouse doesn't like you, from your list. Leave them alone like the dickens!!!

These asses are instructed to "consult with upline" before making a go at the prospect, and if the spouse does not agree, to do whatever it takes in order to sign up the prospect regardless. What does it matter if it ends up destroying their relationship? After all, it was already in trouble if the spouse does not agree to the partner's participation in the Amway scheme in the first place.

I was a victim of an abusive sponsorship programme known as World Wide Dream Builders. When someone was not interested in Amway or was unable to "grow their business," their philosophy was that there must be something wrong with their marriage or relationship, according to them. That was an accusation I'd heard many times before. Their standard response to any and all questions. “Something is wrong with their marriage,” says the author. What does it matter if there isn't? In any case, you low-life Amway assholes have absolutely nothing to do with anything! Nobody else is interested in other people's private and personal lives. Of course, unless you happen to be part of an extreme religious sect whose abbreviation WWDB should be renamed World Wide Destructive Bastards instead, due to the fact that they destroy people's lives as well as marriages and families, as well as financial security.

After several meetings where the Platinum pile of shit talked about qualifying prospects, I decided to start my own business. "If I don't like you, I don't want to do business with you," he'd add on more than one occasion. And then he went on to say that he had moved on to the next candidate. I did everything I could to make that bastard dislike me, even yelling out "Next!" for emphasis. I even recall our pompous jerk sponsor repeating the same line to Ambot, which I thought was hilarious. Liar! That conceited jerk would take anyone he could get his hands on. As a member of the Amway religion of greed, this is exactly what you should be doing at all times. Money, money, and more money to that avaricious and destructive bastard. Unfortunately for him, the ball was in Ambot's court. This is one son of a b*tch who should have heeded his own words of caution. Since I've known him for a long enough period of time, he should have realised by now that I despise him and would not associate with him in any capacity. Surely, I should have been classified as someone who dislikes something. Amway devils who lie about everything can't even follow their own counsel.


We should all send a heartfelt FUCK YOU to every Amway jerk who goes around “qualifying” people to join their cult of greed.

When it comes to qualifying prospects for their firm, Amway Ambots, also known as Amway Independent firm Owners, frequently rely on a handbook for assistance. This guide will often include a set of questions and criteria that the Ambot will use to evaluate a potential prospect in order to assess whether or not that individual would be a suitable fit for the Amway business opportunity.

The first thing you need to do in order to qualify a prospect is to ascertain the degree to which they are interested in the Amway offer. This can be accomplished by the Ambot asking the prospect a series of questions designed to determine what they are looking for in a business opportunity and whether or not Amway is able to provide what the prospect is searching for.

The Ambot will often ask a series of questions to the prospect once the prospect has shown interest in the Amway opportunity. The purpose of these inquiries is to gauge the prospect's level of commitment and their potential for success. Questions concerning their current employment, their financial aspirations, and their desire to put time and money into the Amway business could be included in this category.

In addition to this, the Ambot will often inquire on the prospect's personal network as well as their capacity to bring in new members to the Amway firm. Because of the importance of this component of the Amway business model, Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are strongly urged to cultivate relationships with other IBOs in order to expand their businesses and boost their incomes.

Determining whether or not the prospect is a good fit for the Amway culture is another essential component of the Amway Ambot method to qualifying prospects. This may include asking them questions about their values, their work ethic, and their readiness to work collaboratively with other people.

Lastly, the Ambot will often present the prospect with information on the Amway business opportunity. This material will typically include specifics about the products as well as the pay structure. They may also share testimonials from other successful Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in order to assist the prospect in making an informed decision regarding whether or not to become involved with the Amway business.

It is essential to keep in mind that the Amway Ambot guide to qualifying prospects can be a helpful tool for discovering possible recruits; nonetheless, the Amway business opportunity is not suitable for everyone. It is essential to approach each prospect with honesty and openness, and to refrain from employing pushy or deceptive sales strategies in order to make the sale.

In the end, a person's ability to form relationships with other people, provide value to customers through the products and services they offer, and maintain a strong commitment to their own personal and professional development will determine how successful they are as an Amway Independent Business Owner. IBOs have the ability to establish a successful and lasting business that can offer them with financial freedom and personal fulfillment if they follow the Amway Ambot method to qualifying prospects and approach the business with honesty and authenticity.

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