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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Amway Male Chauvinist Pig Club

 The Amway Male Chauvinist Pig Club teaches that "a man's worth is exclusively measured by the size of his pocketbook, and a woman's worth is measured by how well she is cared for."

WWDB takes advantage of what is finest in a man's nature - providing for his family - and what is best in a woman's nature - nurturing and loving her family - and transforms it into a hybrid christian/money cult based on greed and exploitation.

Sign up with Amway, and you'll find yourself enmeshed in a cult stuffed with of macho chauvinist pig asshole ambots who have been taught to think this way by the great Amway cult leaders, who will make you feel like you're part of something bigger than yourself.

Do you really want your wife to come home from work and spend time with your children?

While prospecting for new IBOs, that was one of the "lines" that our Platinum instructed us to employ, and it was one of the most effective.

A sexist remark has been made. Who is to suggest that all wives have or desire to have children? Or it's possible that they don't want either - no outside work and no children. Who is to claim that mothers who stay at home with their children are obligated to do so? Platinum, to be precise, is our sack of excrement. The chauvinist pig in the male form! Preach it to the Amway cultists, and they will listen!

Likewise, who says that all ladies are eager to get home from work each day? Stop imposing that male chauvinist pig bullshit on the wife because she may not want to come home from work and may be content with her job; instead, respect her wishes.

Let me be clear about this: when dealing with normal individuals who are not members of the Amway organisation, the fact that a husband does not want or need his wife to work and rather she stay at home does not necessarily indicate that the husband is an anti-woman chauvinist pig. Many men earn high salaries, and a family can make do with just one source of income. Today's women are still undervalued and earn far less than their male counterparts, despite the advancement of technology. Occasionally, it is not financially feasible for a woman to continue her employment. Her job can be extremely stressful at times, and the guy should do all in his power to assist her in quitting her job so that she can stay at home with her children.

And the same may be said for the opposite way around. Sometimes the lady has a better-paying work and the husband prefers to stay at home with the children. Whatever you want to call it. It makes no difference whether one is remaining at home to take care of the house and children or whether one is staying at home to watch soap operas on television. It's a decision that a couple comes to jointly.

They don't need some fucked up Amway upline telling them what to do or how to do it, either. According to the cult leaders, the only correct way to go about it is for the lady to quit her work first, which she is expected to do.

Our sack of shit Platinum, like the vast majority of Amway cult leaders, assumes women are at his disposal. He doesn't even prioritise his relationship with his wife. God had a one-up on her this time. Amway, on the other hand, managed to outdo them both. It is somehow possible for him to keep his house clean, to complete his laundry, to remove his waste, to mow his yard and weed his garden, to prepare meals, to keep his cookie jar stocked, and so on. Is it possible that these Amway male chauvinist pigs believe that some magical fairy is rushing about taking care of everything?

What does it matter if your wife hasn't had a job in years? So that's something to be proud of? Your wife does not work, which makes you the first guy in history to have such a situation.

It seems that ambots are visiting my blog and leaving their manufactured amspeak remarks. These cretins are enraged that someone is out there speaking the truth about what it's like to be a member of the Amway cult, and they're right to be. No former cult member would dare to betray their former cult! If enough individuals spread the message, they will have a much more difficult time recruiting new members of the military. My husband's dreams are being stolen from him in practically every comment left for me. I'm being accused of being a selfish, pessimistic, unchristian dream stealer who doesn't want to see his dreams come true.

What the fuck is going on! And there we have it, the Amway male chauvinist pig lingo once more. Those Amway jerks and the good old boys macho chauvinist pig club, to name a couple of examples. It's all about the men these days. It's all about the husband's dream at this point.

Those Amway male chauvinist pigs will not accept the possibility that their wives have dreams as well. And if she does, it's going to be a fucking disaster. It is not important to pay attention to your wife's dreams.

For members of the Amway male chauvinist pig club, everything revolves around the man! It's all about the husband in this situation. Basically, it's about going along with whatever he wants. Serve and be obedient. Amway idiots that are fucking masculine chauvinist pigs. That way of thinking was thrown out the window approximately a century ago. The good old Amway male chauvinist pig club has been resurrected in recent years, thanks to their efforts. It's no surprise that WWDB is an acronym for World Wide Destructive Bastards, as they are dedicated to destroying marriages and families around the world. Brainwashed

Most of the time, a wife's dreams are different from those of her spouse. Sure, they'll have some dreams in common, and it's always wonderful to have something in common with your significant other, but they'll also have some dreams that are completely different. Perhaps the woman aspires to be a prima ballerina, but the husband is uninterested in donning a tutu and prancing about a stage to fulfil her ambition. This does not imply that he does not support her in her endeavours. Support can come in a variety of forms, including financial, emotional, and simply turning up and being present.

Perhaps the husband's ambition is to pursue a career as a skydiver. Possibly, the wife is afraid of flights and heights, and she believes there is no purpose in jumping out of a perfectly good plane and hope the parachute opens before you reach the ground below. Perhaps she will surprise him with a parachute jump for his birthday. As a result, she financially and possibly emotionally supports him in his dream. It's difficult to say. If a wife is afraid of leaping out of a plane, it is likely that she is not pleased with her husband's decision to do so.

It's similar to Amway. If a wife has no interest in becoming a member of a cult, losing money, or being indoctrinated, she isn't overjoyed that her husband is involved.

A major goal of the Amway male chauvinist pig club is to bring the wife home from work only on the instruction of the upline, rather than because the husband and wife have come to this decision jointly. Also, according to the Amway male chauvinist pig club, make the husband's dreams come true because whatever dreams the wife may have are tiny when compared to her husband's and so do not matter.

That's the Amway male chauvinist pig club at work, wrecking marriages all over the country.

What do you think about attending Amway meetings and events? The men congregate in one room or huddle together wherever they are, while the women congregate in another location. What? Is it better to have boys here and girls there? Those of you who work with Amway male chauvinist pigs are worried that a woman will slip over and discover your phoney chauvinistic secrets.

If the wife or husband does not waste their money on the Amway fraud, they have a better chance of retiring early and returning home first, in my opinion at least. If there are no meddling Amway chauvinist male pigs causing difficulties in the partnership, the chances of the relationship lasting longer are also higher.

This is an excellent opportunity to deliver another fuck you to our former sack of crap Platinum for the messed up Amway ideals that are being put on the victims.

FUCK YOU, Amway, you chauvinist pig club of male chauvinist pigs!

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