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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Dream Stealers

 The Dream Stealers are a group of people that steal dreams.

It nearly sounds like alien invaders from another universe are descending on your body, ready to suck away the part of your body where your dreams are stored, if you listen closely.

During Amway meetings, I heard the phrase "dream stealers" over and over again, and it was then repeated by Ambot.

He accused our friends and relatives of being "dream stealers" since they refused to support his business in an accusatory tone. "They're attempting to take my dream," or "they don't want my dreams to come true," is a common refrain. Those were the terms he used against me as well, as advised by the jerks in his Amway upline.

It's a ridiculous term that IBOs use to rationalise their failure to make money in Amway by citing a flimsy explanation. Everyone else is a dream thief who steals your dreams. Always place the blame on others.

There's a Disney song that talks about how a dream is a wish that your heart wishes to come true. If your dream is in your heart, no one will be able to take it away from you. Not unless you have some surgical instruments to slice you open and remove your heart, which would be fatal.

So, what exactly was Ambot's fantasy? It was whatever his upline had told him was his dream at the time. It had something to do with the fact that she was leaving me. That was more of the dream of the upline than it was of the downline.

But how many of those upline fuckers ever inquired as to what my lifelong ambitions were? None of them, not a single one of them. I mean, really, why would they do anything like that? They couldn't have given a rat's behind about me.

“To get Ambot the hell away from you guys and quit Amway!!!” they all said, and I think they all guessed correctly.

What happens to IBOs who decide to leave the cult? They are often referred to as "dream stealers." They're lethal poison. Keep your distance from them, or they will take your dream as well.

A dream is nothing more than a concept or an idea. Your mind and heart are both filled with it. It is not a real-life entity. When you lose anything that is not an object, such as your vehicle keys or your spectacles, I am baffled as to how you managed to do so. Alternatively, the cat may have gotten out of the house and become disoriented. Alternatively, I misplaced Ambot once more at Lowes. A thief can take the keys, the glasses, the cat, and even Ambot, as was attempted by the Amway cult members. If someone steals your car, the first thing you do is phone the police to report it stolen. How can someone manage to steal your dream? And how are you going to explain that to the police when you call to report the theft to them?

When an Amway jerk calls the cops, the following is the conversation that takes place:

Then there's the fact that my next-door neighbour is a dream stealer, and he's the one who took my dream of driving a Porsche. That son of a b*tch must be detained and charged with stealing! I demand it!

This is just one of many absurd phrases that I've heard said from the mouths of deluded independent business owners. Lone wolves, failures, and those on the verge of achieving nothing are all examples of dream stealers that seek to bring you down to their level.

Realistically, "dream stealers" are usually people who care about you and do not want you to fail, lose your money in a scam, or experience any other form of emotional suffering.

A dream stealer is someone who has a different point of view than their upline, and this makes them potentially dangerous people in the eyes of the Amway upline, at least according to Platinum and the other jerks in the company's upper management. After all, they could be responsible for allowing those dollar signs to slip away.

Consider the question of whether it is a bad idea to listen to the "dream stealers." The truth is that, rather than snatching a dream, they are actually providing sound advise. IBOs believe that the so-called "dream stealers" are being negative and attempting to "steal my dream." Instead, all they are doing is attempting to prevent the IBO from making a costly business decision..

Remember those extraterrestrial invaders that were sucking the dreams out of your body? Well, they're back. They aren't all that strange after all. The folks who truly utilise such phrase are the ones who are stealing real dreams.

People and situations can act as dream stealers by preventing individuals from realizing their ambitions and accomplishing the goals they have set for themselves. In the context of Amway and other businesses based on network marketing, "dream stealers" are individuals who try to dissuade Independent Business Owners (IBOs) from following their goals of achieving financial freedom and success.

People who are skeptical of network marketing and believe that it is not a viable path to success are often referred to as "dream stealers," which is a common name for this pejorative term. These individuals may try to deter independent business owners (IBOs) from following their ambitions by pointing out the possible dangers and difficulties that are connected to network marketing.

There are people in one's environment that try to prevent them from achieving their goals, but one's own thoughts and behaviors can also be a barrier to achievement. Self-doubt, a fear of making mistakes, and a general lack of confidence are all examples of this.

It is essential to have a robust conviction in oneself and in the possibilities of network marketing as a means to achieve one's goals in order to prevail against those who would steal one's dreams. This can be accomplished through the process of personal development, which includes activities such as reading books about motivation, going to training events, and collaborating with a mentor or coach who is able to provide guidance and support.

It is also essential to surround oneself with a supportive group of like-minded people who share the same aims and aspirations in order to maximize one's chances of success. This can include other members of the IBO community, friends and family members who are encouraging, and anyone else who is dedicated to their own personal development and achievement.

IBOs in Amway have access to a wide variety of resources that can assist them in overcoming obstacles and achieving their objectives. Training programs, internet resources, and support from seasoned mentors and coaches are some examples of these.

In the end, the secret to overcoming those who would steal one's dreams is to keep one's attention fixed on one's goals and to persevere despite the presence of hurdles and difficulties. Anyone can overcome dream stealers and achieve success in Amway and in life if they keep a positive attitude, believe in themselves, and surround themselves with a community that is supportive. This applies to both Amway and life in general.

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