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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Get Your Order of Importance Right!

 At every Amway meeting, our sack of shit Platinum informed us about his life and utilised a white board to show us his to-do list and the order in which everything should be completed in his opinion of priority. He acted as if he expected us all to "duplicate" him. Some of the satanists in the audience weren't pleased with his list of items! Here is his ranking of the most important things in life:

1. There is a God.

2. Husband's wife

3. The relationship with one's family

4th, the job

Amway (number 5)

Yeah, well, I can tell you that I would absolutely despise being married to some jerk who can't prioritise me as the first item on his priority list. I'm done with you, and I'm out of here!

It didn't matter in the end. Platinum was a sack of shit who never followed his own to-do list.

At every cult meeting, he grumbled and bitched about how he was giving up time with his wife and children in order to tell us about Amway, and we listened. OK. Let's have a peek at the list. Wife and family appear to be a couple of notches higher on the priority list than Amway, according to the data. So is he a fucking liar for prioritising Amway over his wife and children, with whom he complains about not spending enough time? Is he a fucking lying arrogant sack of shit, or is he anything more? Yes, and yes, and yes!

And he should whine and be a b*tch about it! It's a big thing. I was devoting time away from my family and other activities that I would have like to be doing in order to attend his Amway cult meeting and listen to him lie and spout his garbage.

When the Platinum spoke about his list of five companies, he repeated the same same thing in every meeting. Amway was the last company on the list. The fucking asshole can't even keep up with his own to-do list! Sick sack of excrement on the ground. Amway is either the first or second company on his list, depending on who you ask. I say this because he was a fervent religious believer. The old Jim Jones sway still exists. Alternatively, reincarnation. I can't say for certain whether God or Amway was number one on his list, however I have a strong suspicion that Amway was at the top of the list, no matter how much that phoney denies it.

Platinum and I are both stranded at the same Amway cult conference, which is a complete waste of time. We both have the same negative attitude toward the Amway conference because we would rather be spending time with our families or pursuing other more important interests than wasting our time at the Amway meeting. Odd. The only thing that fucking asshole and I ever agreed on was that we both hated each other.

But the real question was: who among us was going to take action to correct the situation?

If I am arrogant enough to have a list, or if I do have a list, it is not one that I have put in writing. I would likewise be hesitant to utilise his list in any manner, but I am using it as ammunition against him. I am taking his stupid list of significance and putting my life in order, putting myself and my family ahead of Amway, and using it against him. Holy sh*t, did that ever turn me into a bad guy because I no longer attended cult meetings and Amway was not the first company on my list of priorities. In any case, it had never existed. My final item on my list, Amway, was so far down on the list that it would require a powerful telescope to view it!

It goes without saying that what a bunch of people I don't care about think about me is completely irrelevant.

When it comes to evil, those cult members need to be pointing their fingers in the direction of their own bodies. The real wicked and dangerous person in this throng is the Amway cult leader, the pompous sack of shit Platinum, who is the genuine evil and dangerous guy.

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