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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Brainwashed Ambot from Markham Ontario Seeks Punishment

 After conducting a Google search for "Amway top sites on the Internet," I received a visit from a brainwashed ambot from Markham, Ontario, who came to my blog. My blog appears in the fourth position for that search criteria. That must be very appealing to the upper management of Amway!

Ambot Anonymous of Markham, Ontario, Canada, came across this page: amway really one of the top internet.html

Because it has been a while since I have taken apart an ambot comment on my site, and because Brainwashed Markham Ambot has expressed a cruel desire to be punished in the manner of Anna Banana, I am posting the comment here for everyone to see. The overpowering need to slink out of their sewer and spread their goodwill and promote their company by spreading around their wonderful Amway IBO image is due to some weird cause only known to the rats of Amway IBO.

You are simply a negative old hag who has definitely had a horrible experience and wishes to express her amazement that anyone else can do something that you CANNOT. And if you had really utilised amway's products, you would have discovered that almost nothing else on the market comes close. Take, for example, the removal of a coffee stain from a carpet using commercially available treatments and subsequently Amways' LOC products. I have absolutely no reason to suspect you have used it. Regardless, you're a poor, destitute wuss who can sit around and complain as much as you like. The fact is that just because you were unable to succeed does not imply that you should prevent others from succeeding.

Good luck with being broke, negative, and spewing bitterness for the rest of your days.

You're implying that I'm negative? Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are some of the most negative people I've ever met in my life. You should go back and read your comment again. Negativity, negativity, negativity! In fact, I said something about Amway salespeople and their negative attitudes toward others in a blog piece I published the other day. You'll be pleased to know that I have frequent readers from Amway/Alticor branches in Ada and Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as occasional readers from other Alticor branches around the United States and Canada. Here's a heartfelt welcome to my newest reader, Alticor, from Placentia, California! I'm sure all of the Amway employees who are reading this page are really proud of you, especially after reading your nice kind words. You are a wonderful representative for Amway, and I know they are. This company is known for attracting top-tier sales professionals!

Markham is a city in the province of Ontario. When you repeat the nonsense you hear from your cult leaders on a weekly basis, you are living proof that all brainwashed ambots are the same. amspeak replies that have been pre-programmed You brainwashed little bastards haven't come up with a novel idea, have you?

Is it true that I'm an old hag? Oh, come on, don't you think you're capable of much more than that? I'm a part-time bitch who moonlights as a full-time devil. Respect my dignity by not degrading me to the level of an old woman. I put in a lot of effort to achieve the position of bitch devil.

Yes, I had a negative experience. Despite my strong opposition, my husband was drawn into this cult and spent our money on the Amway pyramid scheme. I never stated that I "couldn't" do Amway. Because I am a woman, I have the ability to do anything. Amway is something I "won't" do. That is because I will not scam and lie to other people in order to bring hardship into their life, as this would be immoral, and because I have a conscience and would feel bad about such behaviour, which is the accepted standard if you are an Amway Independent Business Owner. There is a significant difference between the words "can't" and "will't." Look for a dictionary.

Given that I don't drink coffee and that my floors are made of hardwood and tile, it would be physically impossible for me to spill coffee on my carpet! As a result, you are correct in that I have never used LOC carpet cleaner. There is nothing I can do about the fact that you are such a klutz that you require a constant supply of Amway's pricey crappy cleaning products! Have you ever thought about ripping out that coffee-stained carpet and replacing it with some high-quality hard flooring that can withstand all of the coffee you spill all over the place? It makes cleanup a lot easier and less expensive. Take a sponge or a towel and mop up the mess as quickly as possible.

Is it possible for my poor, broke ass to sit and work and complain? Let's see what happens. Another indoctrinated ambot is making the rounds, accusing anyone who are not affiliated with Amway of being broke and working a job. Sorry for disappointing you, but I haven't had a work for several years now. You might want to take a look at my most recent post, in which I point out that ambots are constantly accusing me of having a job and working for someone else, despite the fact that they are never able to back up their accusations and tell me where I work, what my job is, and how much money I make – and most importantly, where the hell all of this money I'm supposedly earning at my fictional job is coming from.

Is it true that I'm broke? According to Amway's literature, our firm generates more revenue each year than the average Diamond does. Someone who earns more money than a Diamond is considered "broke," which demonstrates how negatively you feel about the financial situation of the people who follow your cult leader's teachings. Despite the fact that your lowball estimate of being broke is probably not too far off the mark! I'm thinking that if Amway Diamonds are more of a broker than I am, you might want to reassess your career decision and find something where you won't be as broke as an Amway Diamond.

You must now leave the premises and engage in play with the Scarboro Stalker. If you want to go back into your sewer and plan who you're going to scam next and whose lives need to be wrecked by the Amway cult, that's fine with me. You are the scum of the planet, you little troublemaking bastards, that you are.

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