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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Grace, Peter & Beth Amway

 Grace, Peter & Beth Amway

It was in May 1983 when Peter and Beth Grace launched their Amway business. They achieved Diamond status in 1992, after nine years of hard work. 

They are a member of the McKenna LOS and reside in the city of Victoria. They are the proud parents of three beautiful children, Hayley, Thomas, and Nicholas. 

Currently in her first year of university, Hayley is studying business, Tom is in year 10, and Nick is in year eight.

A Case Study in Success

Immediately following their marriage in 1982, Peter was employed as a plasterer in the construction sector, while Beth was employed as an accounts clerk with a prominent advertising agency. 

Particularly striking to Peter was his realisation that some of his co-workers who had been in the industry for a longer period of time were not living any better lives than he was; they were simply older and doing the same job.

Pete returned to night school at that point, believing that increasing his degree would be the answer to their financial woes in the near future. 

It was during that year 1983 that they were introduced to the sales and marketing plan, and Peter recognised the potential from the beginning.

 Beth, while not dismissive, expressed some scepticism and expressed a willingness to "see how things go."

It didn't take long for Beth to become a member after she attended a few of the early events. 

The fact that it took us seven months to register our first IBO proves that we were neither world-beaters or record-breakers. 

Having attended a winter conference in the United States, we realised that we had what it takes, but that we just needed to get our act together.”

“We reached the 7500-point level in three years, and after five years, Beth decided to leave her job to be a full-time mother.” 

Peter retired after eight years of service after they reached the Diamond level, when he was 32 years old! .

 What a fantastic offer!! Working a little harder for 8 years to recoup 33 years of his working life, what a bargain!!”, exclaims Peter.

“We now have three children: Hayley (20), Tom (18), and Nick (16). 

We adore owning a business that allows us to be full-time parents while still taking advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that time and money can give.

 Because of this opportunity, we have been able to accomplish and experience things that we would never have been able to do or experience had we remained doing what we were doing.”

Amway Corporation is a multi-level marketing organization that specializes in the sale of health, beauty, and home care products. Grace Amway, Peter Amway, and Beth Amway are three individuals that are affiliated with the Amway Corporation. Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos established the Amway Corporation in 1959, and since then, it has expanded to become one of the most successful direct selling corporations in the entire globe.

Grace Amway is married to Steve Van Andel, who is the son of Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel. Grace Amway is also an Amway co-founder. Grace Amway is well-known for her humanitarian activities, and she has been actively involved in a variety of organizations that support charitable causes. She has been active with the Grand Rapids Symphony, the Van Andel Institute, and the West Michigan Sports Commission, and she has been on the board of directors of the Helen DeVos Children's Hospital Foundation at one point.

Rich DeVos, one of the company's co-founders, is the father of Amway's current CEO, Peter Amway. Peter, much like his father, has been involved in a variety of business endeavors, one of which being the ownership of the Orlando Magic basketball franchise, which competes in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Peter is also well-known for his work in the charitable sector, and over the course of his life, he has contributed millions of dollars to various charities. He has been active in groups such as the American Heart Association, the United Way of America, and the Boy Scouts of America.

The current co-chairman of Amway, Doug DeVos, has a daughter named Beth Amway. Beth is also an Amway. In addition to being involved in the family business, Beth also works for the Amway Corporation, where she holds the position of vice president of Corporate Affairs. As the person in charge of public relations, government affairs, and corporate social responsibility at the company, she is responsible for all of these initiatives. In addition, Beth is active in a number of charity organizations, including the Kids' Food Basket and the Van Andel Institute.

Grace, Peter, and Beth Amway collectively make up the next generation of the Amway family, and all three of them are dedicated to carrying on the legacy that was started by their fathers and grandfathers. They are striving toward making a good influence on the areas in which they live as well as the globe as a whole through the philanthropic work that they do and their involvement in the Amway Corporation.

Grace, Peter & Beth Amway

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