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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Kingston, Geoff & Jenny amway

Kingston, Geoff & Jenny 

 Geoff and Jenny Kingston reside in the state of South Australia. They joined Amway in May 1988 and worked their way up to the Diamond level over a period of six years. 

Those that sponsor them are Emerald IBOs Geoff & Wendy Etteridge, who are under the leadership of Diamonds Bill & Briony Smart. 

They are a part of the McKenna Landing System.

A Case Study in Success

Geoff grew raised in the NSW city of Wagga Wagga before relocating to Adelaide to pursue a degree in accountancy and to pursue a professional football career.

 He represented South Australia 15 times, was selected for the All-Australian Team, and was inducted into two Halls of Fame — one in his home state of South Australia and another in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. 

A successful author, he has a long and varied media career that includes work in newspapers, television, and radio, as well as travel the world to cover most of the world's major sporting events, including the Olympic and Commonwealth Games, Wimbledon, the Americas Cup, the Masters Golf Tournament, the US Open and British Open Golf, first class cricket, the Australian Open Tennis, and of course the Australian Football League (AFL).

Jenny comes from a different world and a different culture, having been born in Chennai, India, and having travelled widely around the Indian subcontinent with her family. 

Due to the fact that her father was a doctor who also served as a Wing Commander in the Indian Air Force, she and her family were on the move almost continuously.

 Jenny studied literature and political science at the University of Bangalore, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree.

In Adelaide, Geoff had been working in the media for 25 years and Jenny had been working as a teacher when they were approached about the business possibility there. 

A tradesman who Geoff did not recognise described it to him on a dusty block of concrete that served as the foundation for an addition to their home.

Jenny was completely uninterested in the experiment, however Geoff was intrigued and thought, "What if it works?" With two children and a full-time job, as well as Geoff's shift work and frequent travel outside of Australia, "time" was a major concern. However, after nine months of starting, they had completely replaced Jenny's teaching income, and 24 months later, they had completely replaced Geoff's salary. 

This provided them with the opportunity to make diverse decisions.

As Geoff explains, "The training and support structure helped us become more aware of our own potential."

 In terms of personal growth and improvement, it gave us with the tools we needed — as individuals, as parents, and as friends.”

 According to Geoff, it was one of those tools, Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich," that was a crucial signpost to show him the way - an alternative path to attaining financial security and financial independence.

A tremendous influence on their lives has been exerted by the company. 

During their lifetime, they have witnessed the development of a multi-billion dollar industry that has allowed them to travel the world – and to places that most people can only dream of visiting, including cities and countries such as Hawaiian Islands and New York, Paris and London, the Caribbean, Mauritius and the United States of America. They have also visited Disneyland in California and India

Kingston, Geoff & Jenny amway

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