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Saturday, July 17, 2021

McKenna, Peter & Helen Amway


  • February 1980


  • Diamond August 1990

Success Story

Peter and Helen McKenna were living in Melbourne, Victoria at the time of their entry into the Amway business in February 1980. 

In August of 1990, they acquired the status of Diamond after ten years of hard work. 

They live in Queensland and are the leaders of Team MAK, which consists of 13 Diamonds from all around Australia and New Zealand. 

They are home to one of the most significant Amway organisations in the nation. They are the parents of two kids, who are both actively involved in the business. 

Aside from that, Peter and Helen have an international business that has allowed them to become Emeralds in the United Kingdom. They also have a Diamond downline in the People's Republic of China.

As children, Peter and Helen were raised by parents who were self-employed and who urged them both to pursue a high-quality education in order to prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead.

 In their twenties, they were well established in their respective professions of Air Traffic Control (Peter) and Education (Joanne) (Helen). 

After meeting while travelling widely in their late twenties, they were married and proceeded to concentrate on their respective professions.

After a few of years of marriage, they began looking for business opportunities, mostly for Helen's benefit. 

The development of the Amway business model was in its infancy in Australia at the time, but its potential intrigued both of these entrepreneurs. 

During the first year of their partnership, they each took on additional career responsibilities and welcomed their first child. 

Although they were overburdened, they were able to leverage their time and put in place a business foundation that would generate enough money in the second year to allow Helen to retire from her teaching position permanently.

Peter was able to retire from his air traffic control employment early, when he was 40 years old, and the family relocated from Melbourne to the Gold Coast, where they have lived for more than two decades.

 A result of the consistent income their parents have received over the years, they have been able to raise their two sons in an environment where neither boy has had the opportunity to witness their parents working in a typical profession.

Besides travelling extensively both locally and internationally with their two children, Peter and Helen have a variety of real estate interests in the South East Queensland area from which they get additional income for their lifestyle. 

The company's advise for individuals looking to the future is to "invest the time and effort necessary to thoroughly research this industry, and we hope that you will realise the full potential of the opportunity that Amway gives."

Downline Diamonds

  • McKenna, Peter & Helen, Diamond, Australia, IDA & Team MAK
  • Grace, Peter & Beth, Diamond, Australia, IDA & Team MAK
  • Swaffield, Julie, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Potts, Brian & Gillian, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Pyne, Lindsay & Pam, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Smart, Lisa, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Duck, Graham & Celia, Australia, IDA
  • Smart, Bill & Briony, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Kingston, Geoff & Jenny, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Light, Peter & Ginny, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Beauchamp, James & Wendy, Diamond, Australia, IDA & Team MAK
  • McCulloch, Leigh & Cathy, Diamond, Australia, IDA
  • Racovallis, Paul & Karen, Diamond, Australia, IDA
Peter and Helen Amway were a married pair who became well-known for their work in the field of psychedelic research, specifically in relation to the psychoactive chemical ayahuasca, which is derived from a plant. They were also close friends and collaborators of the late counterculture icon and famous ethnobotanist Terence McKenna. McKenna was known for his work in the field of ethnobotany.

Peter Amway was born in 1948 in the Netherlands, and he devoted a significant portion of his early life to investigating various spiritual practices and alternative methods of treatment. At the beginning of the 1970s, he developed an interest in ayahuasca and started making trips to South America to investigate the effects that the plant has on the human psyche. When he was on one of these journeys, he ran into Helen, who is also interested in ayahuasca research and is a fan of the plant.

Born in the United States in 1951, Helen Amway found herself originally drawn to the area of psychology. However, after experiencing the life-altering effects of ayahuasca, she shifted her focus to studying the plant and the possible therapeutic benefits it could provide.

After being married in 1981, the couple went on to make significant contributions to the field of ayahuasca study. In 2007, they established what is now known as the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service (ICEERS), which is committed to fostering the responsible and environmentally responsible utilization of plant-based therapies such as ayahuasca.

The Amway family considered Terence McKenna, who passed away in the year 2000, to be a dear friend and a guiding figure. His work had a huge impact on the couple's investigation, and he was an open champion for the use of psychedelics as a vehicle for personal and spiritual growth.

The Amway family and Terence McKenna worked together on the book "The Invisible Landscape: Mind, Hallucinogens, and the I Ching" during the early 1990s. The book became a cult classic among followers of McKenna's work due to its examination of how psychedelics and ancient divination traditions overlap with one another.

The Amway family was also involved in a large number of research projects examining the possible medicinal uses of ayahuasca, particularly as a cure for addiction and depression. Their research indicated that the plant has the potential to be a useful instrument in assisting individuals in overcoming a variety of mental health difficulties.

However, the couple's work was not entirely free of criticism and debate. Others voiced concerns about the potential risks associated with the use of ayahuasca, while others accused them of promoting the use of illegal substances.

In spite of these obstacles, the Amway family has not wavered in their dedication to their work and has not stopped advocating for the prudent and environmentally friendly usage of medicines derived from plants. Their study continues to motivate a new generation of researchers and explorers who are looking into the possibility of using psychedelics for therapeutic purposes.

McKenna, Peter & Helen Amway

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