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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Dr. Sangeeta & Shankar Devraj Amway

 In addition to having a Doctorate in Music, Sangeeta is establishing this business on a part-time basis with the help of her entire family.

She expresses herself as follows: "According to our understanding, this notion refers to a business in which success may be reached through constant effort without compromising the principles of honesty and integrity. 

While working to achieve success in this business, we have been able to make a positive difference in the lives of many other people, both within and beyond our organisation, by incorporating these values into our day-to-day operations. 

As far as I'm concerned, the Direct Selling business is one that allows people to uncover their greatest potential and achieve enormous heights of success."

"We believe that there is no better chance than the direct selling industry to assist people in realising their dreams while upholding the fundamental human values such as freedom, harmony, and love," Sangeeta says.

Having a massive amount of organisation.

In addition, they have two diamonds from the front line in their group.

  • Vinita & Narendra Pratap Singh, Diamond, India
  • Arun & Pragna Pathak, Diamond, India
Dr. Sangeeta & Shankar Devraj

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