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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Rajesh & Ritu Nagpal Amway

 Rajesh and Ritu both come from a professional background, having earned advanced Engineering degrees in their fields. He received his Bachelor's degree from the Indian Institute of Technology and his Master's degree from the Ohio State University. 

Ritu also holds two Master of Science degrees. After graduating from college, they were working their way up the corporate ladder when a friend from college introduced them to the Independent Business Ownership plan. 

Ritu was able to retire from a full-time employment because of the cash generated by her firm at an early age.

In a very short period of time, the Nagpals have built a phenomenally successful business that now spans many different countries throughout the world. Besides being successful in business, they have also guided dozens of people in the Private Franchising industry to higher levels in various markets, allowing many of them to achieve financial independence.

Today, this couple travels the world, sharing their knowledge and experiences, coaching others, and assisting them in the development of their own international franchise.

Rajesh & Ritu Nagpal

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