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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Nusshold, Hans & Eva Amway

  •  Member in 2006
  • Member in 2012


  • 1985



  • Diamond 1988


  • Founders Crown August 2005
  • Crown Ambassador 2005


  • Double Diamond August 2009


  • Founders Sapphire June 2008

Downline Diamond

  • Nusshold, Hans & Eva, Crown Ambassador, Austria, Network TwentyOne
  • Alexi, Ingrid & Holger, Diamond, Germany, Network TwentyOne
  • Birkandan, Semsettin, Diamond, Germany, Network TwentyOne
  • Hornbogen, Roland & Eva-Gabriela, Diamond, Germany, Network TwentyOne
  • Karasz, Cecilia, Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Jasmin Kaur Deo, Diamond, Malaysia, Network TwentyOne
  • Sissy Petra & Alois Szuchar, Founders Double Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Kutschera, Maria & Rudolf, Diamond, Austria, Network TwentyOne
  • Demeter Rachel & Janos, Founders Executive Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Wolf Andrea & Serdult Imre, Executive Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Guta, Adrian & Ioana , Founders Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Aghenie, Efimia & Iurie, Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Hogas Gabriela, Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Lovas Katalin & Mercz Peter, Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Gere Ildiko, Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Baluka, Imre & Erika, Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Floroiu, Elena & Dragos, Founders Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Ciobanu, Constantin & Cristina, Diamond, Romania, Network TwentyOne
  • Antalffy Thomas, Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne
  • Miko Attila, Diamond, Hungary, Network TwentyOne


The Nussholds were a couple of Austrian ski instructors who lived in Vienna. They became members of Amway in Australia in 1985 and achieved Diamond status in Austria in 1988. 
They received their qualification as Crown Ambassadors in 2005, making them the first in Austria to do so. 

They are associated with the Network 21 organisation.

The main driving force behind the declaration of independence was the daughter Nadine, who was expecting a child at the time "The humorous nomad life of a ski instructor and ski school director in Australia and the United States is not without its difficulties. 

They established the cornerstone of their current company in Austria, where they ultimately decided in 1989 to treat their firm as a diamond and put everything on one card in order to go full-time into the industry in that year.

Because of your accomplishment, they are now present in over 15 European nations, where they are extremely successful and rank in the top 50 in the globe. 

They are also an excellent example of how to strike a healthy balance between one's work, personal, and social lives. 

In addition to her two children, Nadia and Nina, they live in their "dream house" in a golf and leisure resort outside Vienna, where they enjoy their first-class lifestyle - whether on international business trips or in their spare time.

 They anticipate having more time for their children and parents as a result of this arrangement.

They are in the business of making money. 

A group's cohesion is dependent on the existence of good, loyal relationships.

 However, the secret to success in the network marketing company is the ability to work as a team. 

For them, the development of a strong and successful "team" is of paramount importance, and they value the opportunity to participate in it directly "Jim and Nancy Dornan, the world champion team, play a role.

At no other time in history has this type of business been as appealing, necessary, and widely acknowledged as it is today. 

As a result, they are sure that their organisation will increase the number of its executives from 1000 to 2000 by the year 2010, making it the largest in Europe.

Hans and Eva Nusshold are persuaded that their tremendous success over the previous fiscal year is founded on simple concepts and belief patterns, rather than on their own abilities and abilities. 

Here are a few examples of their beliefs: 

“Get out of your comfort zone,” says number one.

 All the way up to the Double Diamond level Hans and Eva Nusshold were residents of Wagrain/Salzburg at the time of their death.

 To relocate to Vienna was a major step - new surroundings, new school, new home, new friends... yet it was necessary for the expansion of the company in order to continue to flourish. 

12 years later, they have a beautiful home in Vienna, but they have not forgotten their roots in Wagrain, which they have kept alive. 

They spend 6 - 8 weeks per year in the mountains with their daughters, Nadine (23) and Nina (14) and enjoy the peace and quiet of the highlands together. 

“Fall in love with your team,” says number two. 

Mutual respect and trust are essential components of effective teamwork - “These are ideas that Jim and Nancy Dornan shared with us, and we are delighted to share them with our leaders.” 3: Think of Europe as a single country.” 

Today, 90 percent of their revenue comes from markets other than Austria. 

Hans and Eva were reading the following line when they arrived in Ada, Michigan: "A business without borders."

 This phrase has evolved into a reality in contemporary Europe.

 The opening of Eastern Europe signalled the beginning of a new way of thinking as well as a new, more expansive corporate dimension. 4: “Make your family your top priority.” 

In order to declare, "We succeeded in this," we must first make it to the second generation, when our children are as grateful and appreciative of the unique opportunity provided by the Amway business as we are. 

The first and most important rule for our girls is:

 "Use the items to the fullest extent possible!" 5: “Make a list of your objectives.” 

Today, the entire organisation (18 nations) is focused on achieving success through a strong sense of teamwork. 

In Sydney, Australia, they will be represented by Diamonds from nine different European countries, and their organisation is expected to grow even more by 2010.

It is important to remember that you should never be too proud to recognise your mistakes or too modest to appreciate your victories!

Nusshold, Hans & Eva Amway

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