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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Wagner, Michael & Brandie Amway


  • Whalen, Dean & Marcie, Executive Diamond, Canada, WWDB
  • Zhang, David & Esther, Emerald, Canada, WWDB
  • Barrows, Jayson & Christine, Emerald, Canada, WWDB,
  • Darwin, Ben & Kendra, Emerald, Canada, WWDB
  • Olynyk, Ryan & Noella, Diamond, Canada, WWDB
  • Eckert, Chris & Jennie, Emerald, Canada, WWDB
  • Dyck, Laird & Alicia, Emerald, Canada, WWDB,
  • McNally, Ben & Trista, Emerald, Canada, WWDB
Both Michael Wagner and Brandie Amway have been recognized for their outstanding achievements to the world of business and philanthropy. 

Both of them are driven by a love for assisting others and have made it their mission to use the financial success they've achieved in business to effect positive change in the wider world.

Michael Wagner is an American businessman and entrepreneur who is most known for his work in the field of direct marketing. He was born and raised in the state of California. 

He is a co-founder as well as the Chief Executive Officer of a firm that goes by the name Anovite and makes items related to health and wellness. 

Wagner has been a part of the direct selling sector for more than 20 years and has garnered a reputation for his expertise in the fields of sales and marketing during that time.

Prior to the establishment of Anovite, Wagner was actively involved in a number of other profitable businesses. 

He began his professional life in the insurance sector, where he accomplished rapid promotion and ultimately became one of the industry's most successful producers. 

After that, he entered the direct selling market, where he gained experience with a number of various businesses before establishing his own.

Wagner is well-known not only for his achievements in business, but also for the charitable work that he has done. He is a staunch supporter of educational opportunities and has contributed to the success of a number of educational endeavors over the course of his career. 

He has also been involved in a number of charity organizations, such as the American Cancer Society and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

In addition to being an American entrepreneur and philanthropist, Brandie Amway is a businesswoman. She is the co-founder as well as the Chief Executive Officer of a firm that goes by the name Brandie Amway & Associates. 

This organization offers coaching and training services to business owners and entrepreneurs. Amway is a leader in the direct selling industry with more than 20 years of expertise and a strong desire for assisting others in achieving their goals.

Amway held positions of increasing responsibility within the direct selling market for a number of companies before launching her own venture. 

She rose to the top of the production ranks in a hurry and was eventually given a position of authority as a result of her success. 

After making it to the level of success that she had, she made the decision to launch her own business with the intention of assisting other people in reaching the same level of achievement as she had.

Amway is well-known not only for her efforts in the business world, but also for the charitable activities she has done. 

She is a staunch supporter of women's rights and has provided financial assistance to a number of groups that work to enhance the autonomy of women. 

In addition to this, she has been active in a number of charity organizations, such as the American Heart Association and the Children's Miracle Network.

Both the commercial sector and the charity community have been significantly impacted as a result of Wagner and Amway's combined efforts. 

Their achievements in business have enabled them to assist those who are struggling, and their unwavering commitment to assisting those in need has served as an example to a great number of people all around the world.

 They are both genuine leaders and figures to look up to, and the contributions they have made will continue to make an impact for the better for a good number of years to come.

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