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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Schwarz, Anja Amway

 Schwarz, Anja 

  • Unternehmerin/ Betriebswirt
  • entrepreneur / business economist

It is in this business that I have grown up, and it is in this business that I have seen my future. 

I've learned about the opportunities and opportunities that an Amway business provides, as well as the wonderful impact that the business has on people's lives. 

Oliver became acquainted with the company as a result of my introduction to it, and he became immediately intrigued by it.

 We have a lot of dreams that we want to realise together, and we want to do so through this business.

Our lives are filled with many wonderful experiences, and we are fortunate to have many wonderful people on our team. 

We live a privileged life, dividing our time amongst ourselves, travelling the world and visiting family and friends all across the continent of Europe. 

In addition, we have had the great fortune of assisting other people in the pursuit of their dreams. 

We must constantly encourage and strengthen them in order for them to believe in their own dreams.

On the way to becoming a Kronenbotschafter, we hope to provide this opportunity to many more people and in turn, provide them with a positive outlook on the future. 

We will always encourage them to dream big and to believe in their own abilities. 

Ultimately, we hope to have a healthy and happy family life and to grow as a result of our friendships with one another in the near future.

I grew up around the company and have always imagined a bright future for me there. 

I've seen firsthand the opportunities and chances that the Amway business provides, as well as the good impact it has on the lives of others. 

Oliver came to know about the company through me, and he became immediately intrigued by the prospect of working there. 

Having come up with a slew of dreams together, we hope to see them come true with the support of our enterprise.

Our lives are filled with many fantastic experiences, and we are fortunate to have many wonderful individuals in our lives. 

We live a luxurious life, plan our time well, travel the world, and see family and friends all over the continent of Europe. In addition, we are fortunate to be able to assist others in realising their goals and aspirations. 

We may be able to encourage and strengthen them to pursue their ambitions.

We'd like to be appointed as Crown ambassadors. On the way, we hope to pass on this wonderful chance to as many individuals as possible, providing them with a positive outlook for the future. 

We will constantly encourage kids to dream big and to put their faith in their own abilities. 

In terms of our own future, we hope to be able to lead a healthy and fortunate family life and to continue to grow alongside our friends.

Schwarz, Anja Amway

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