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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Best Friends ForNeverMore!

 For Ambot, Amway was like to an expensive social club membership. He had a positive attitude about the majority of those individuals. He must have been particularly taken with their assurances that they would always be his friends.

I wasn't acquainted with any of these Amway representatives prior to Ambot's interest in joining. I was familiar with the sponsor because Ambot has known him for a long time. He's a jerk with a cocky attitude who is untrustworthy. Those are some of his more admirable characteristics. From then, things only get worse. He hasn't been a favourite of mine for a long time. He's always up to no good and doing something to make me angry. Usually, this is accomplished by borrowing something from Ambot and failing to return it. He failed to appear when he stated that he would. He's not picking up the phone. I could go into detail about specific events that have occurred over the years, but I don't want this piece to become something that takes hours to read. Allow me to state categorically that I believe everyone who reads this blog has long since realised that I despise the bastard.

Prior to the Amway abyss, I didn't know anyone else in the world. The most of them were not folks I would normally associate with. Males at least 20 years younger than me make up the majority of the group.

When the upline issues a command to the downline that no one is to have anything more to do with us because we have left Amway, it isn't a huge deal for me because I don't want them to be friends with me. We're a disgusting bunch of folks. We have been defeated. We are, to put it another way, broke losers. etc., etc., etc.

Ambot had expressed regret for not being able to return as a fly on the wall to listen in on one of the Platinum's rants after we left the Amway facility. But it's not a big issue. While we were still in there, I overheard plenty of that sack of shit's rants.

I believe Ambot was harmed by the breakup of their friendship. And he truly did believe their lies that they were going to be his friends forever. He failed to recognise that when individuals are motivated by greed and you cut off their source of income by no longer purchasing pricey Amway products and tools, they would turn around and cut off their relationship as well as their money supply. Fortunately, these friendships were short-lived and ended quickly. The damage had already been done by those upline idiots, but we were able to get out before anything was irreparably damaged.

Authentic friends aren't interested in you solely for the sake of your financial gain, in my opinion. True friends do not turn their backs on you when you cease providing them with financial assistance. Ambot has finally grasped the situation. These fictitious pals may have soothed his ego for a few months, but they vanished as quickly as they emerged when he decided not to continue to fund their goals.

It turned out that there was a fellow in our LOS who we bumped into a few months later at a gas station completely by chance, and Ambot stopped to speak with him. He was courteous and engaged in light conversation while filling the tank, however he did state, "I'm not really supposed to be talking to you." So that's how we know the Platinum was able to spread the word about us and our poisonous nature.

In that aspect, the Platinum did us a minor service by informing everyone else that we were not to be associated with. Unless, of course, that conceited jerk who financed us is still lurking around somewhere. Every now and then, I report to Ambot that he is defying the Platinum's commands by conversing with him. Ambot ignores my complaints. Ambot tries to persuade me that it doesn't matter because none of us are still affiliated with Amway.

What a travesty of justice!

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