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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Find People Who Want to Save Money

 In order to save money by purchasing from your own shop, we want you to discover other individuals who are also interested in saving money and train them on how to open their own shops in order for them to save money as well.

At every Amway meeting I attended, I heard that remark - or something similar - repeated numerous times.

The assertion appears to be logical in nature. Shop from the comfort of your own home and save money by purchasing items that you would have purchased otherwise. Yes, that does sound wonderful. It's human nature to desire to save money and receive fantastic bargains when purchasing things on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, our upline pushed Ambot into changing his purchasing habits, causing us to purchase items that we had never purchased before, that I didn't like for, and that we didn't end up using. Instead of saving money, he paid significantly more than he would have spent purchasing comparable things at the grocery shop and medicine store instead. Moreover, we ended up losing money by throwing away a slew of ineffective and unsightly Amway items.

What exactly is the financial benefit of this? We're spending hundreds of dollars a month on Amway things that weren't even on our shopping list before we joined the company. Energy drinks, snack bars, bottled water, and vitamins are just a few of the options available.

I don't consider myself to be a frequent shopper, but I have visited enough drug stores and grocery stores to have a solid sense of what is reasonable in terms of price, quality, and value.

Ambot, on the other hand, does not. In the event that a good deal is discovered, he will likely stock up on the item, but he is generally unaware of the prices of goods and services at the store.

He followed the (poor) advise of his upline, who claimed that Amway's products would save us money and that these items were of higher quality than what could be purchased at local merchants, and that he should purchase, buy, and more purchase! He has to be the best customer he can be for himself. His consumer base consisted of five people, including himself and a couple of occasional pity purchasers.

Because of the upline's influence over Ambot, who happens to be his own greatest customer, I was forced to use inferior items that did not save us any money at all.

The true harm that comes from the "save money" by shopping at your own store mindset is that independent business owners (IBOs) like Ambot do not compare prices with other merchants and wind up overspending by purchasing items that they otherwise would not have purchased.

When it comes to shopping, I know how to save money. It is via having a thorough understanding of the prices of groceries and sundries that I often purchase at grocery and drug stores, as well as recognising when something is on sale at a reasonable enough price to purchase it. Then I keep an eye on the circulars, and if I notice something on sale that I often purchase, I stock up immediately. Similarly, if I find anything in the flier that is a wonderful deal but is not something I require, I will not purchase it. See? Trying to save money?

Since we no longer have to purchase pricey Amway items, I have saved a significant amount of money.

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