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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

XS Gear

 After becoming obsessed with everything Amway, Ambot visited the XS Gear website, where he was certainly urged to do so by his upline, and made a few purchases. Ambot had never consumed energy drinks prior to becoming associated with Amway, but during the Amway dark ages, he acquired boxes of XS energy drinks on a weekly basis and consumed them with an alarming amount of urgency. It was only logical that he would want to spread the word about the product that his upline had convinced him would pave his way to financial success.

He bought what could be described as a nylon webbed cycling gear - a shirt and shorts - to wear while riding. He also acquired an XS cooler, which he intends to use to hold all of his XS energy drinks and to transport them to all of his Amway meetings.

Because the shirt and shorts were delivered in a lower size than Ambot had purchased, they were charged to his credit card, resulting in them having his money in their possession. As a result, there were numerous phone calls back and forth between Ambot and XS Gear. After teasing Ambot for several weeks, XS Gear finally acknowledges that they don't have his size in stock and that they will not be ordering any more because the product has been discontinued. After all, IBOs are so busy attending meetings and gatherings, dealing with multiple phone calls and messages from upline, displaying the plan, and dealing with all of the other time-consuming nonsense that goes on inside "the business," who has time to go for a spin on their bicycle?

Ambot attempted to return the garments, but XS Gear refused to accept them back as a return. Remember how they kept him waiting for a long time by playing telephone tag with him and checking the stockroom for alternative sizes? Items can be returned for a refund if they are returned within 30 days of purchasing them. The time limit had passed without being met.

Let's see what happens. Whose fault was it that the payment card was charged and then that the incorrect size was shipped?

What is their recommendation to Ambot? "Continue to use the product, and you'll eventually be able to fit into the clothes."

The fact that they shipped the wrong size in the first place, rather than going upfront and confessing to Ambot that they were unable to fill the order, shows what a bunch of fucking fools they are. It's no surprise that Amway has partnered with them. A partner store on hand that shares similar philosophies in fucking over IBO's is always a good thing to have around.

I'm not sure what happened to those clothing, to be completely honest. I haven't come across them yet. Possibly, Ambot threw them away or placed them with the other clothing items we send to charity on a whim. Perhaps they've been relegated to the back of the closet and I'll come upon them again one day. He never wore them in the first place.

What about the XS cooler, you ask? We didn't actually need another cooler in the first place. We already have two or three. Ambot most likely purchased it only for the purpose of impressing his upline and crossline with how devoted he is to his business. Ambot loaned it to a member of his upline, and they took it away from him. Thank God, he will never come into our home again!

That's one of the best things about closing our Amway business - no longer having to deal with lowlife dishonest, greed-driven Amway independent business owners.

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