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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

This Is The Year!!!!

 "This is the year in which you are going to make a big splash!"

Dream Night, a WWDB function that takes place in early January, is the battle cry of the upline at the start of the year, and it can be heard during that time.

As the new year approaches, it is important to remember that Ambot has been in "the business" for several months. To summarise Ambot's previous achievements:

1. One downline joined, but left a few of weeks later due to personal reasons.

2. Thousands of dollars have been "invested" in "the business" through the purchase of Amway products and attendance at events.

3. Enlisted the assistance of two friends to attend board of directors meetings.

four. persuaded one acquaintance to attend a meeting

5. The grand opening of "our" Amway store drew a small crowd, but no one made a purchase.

held an afternoon tea social in order to sell Artistry cosmetics and other Amway products, which was a ruse to increase sales One of my friends went out and bought a few things.

7. Two friends made some small pity purchases to support Ambot's business, which had nothing to do with their attendance at any Amway functions.

800 hours wasted studying Amway literature, dealing with phone calls and text messages and listening to Kate messages; attending meetings; listening to tapes - oh, and better make those CD's before IBOFB shows up again and claims that tapes haven't been produced since he was in diapers! (Alright, Rocket or Tex, here's your chance to say that he is still sporting them!)

9. alienating friends and family members by irritating behaviour (e.g., parroting upline IBOs).

Every piece of advice from his oh-so-wise upline was heeded by Ambot without hesitation. Well, not everything - the one exception would be that he didn't abandon me completely. His efforts have so far proved unsuccessful, however I doubt there are many individuals out there who would want to consume a case of XS Energy Drinks every day while also packing in a variety of food items.

So how in the world is the new year going to be any different?

It isn't going to happen.

It will be the same as before. Spending money on costly, substandard things is a waste of time. Attending functions results in financial loss. It's a waste of time. He continues to make nasty remarks directed at everyone who does not support his Amway business ventures. All of this is supported by the upline's assurance that this is the year he will make a big splash in "the business." They have to persuade him to stay for a few more months so that they can make even more money off of him!

Ambot's tale is similar to that of other IBOs who are struggling. On the one hand, the upline gives people optimism, but on the other, he steals their money from their pockets.

“This is the year you're going to go BIG” is an ego booster designed to encourage Independent Business Owners (IBOs) to stay with Amway for a bit longer in case they were considering quitting or not renewing for the new year. IBOs cannot afford to give up now that success is just around the corner!

To put it another way, you can't just walk away now because I need more of your money for my portion of the tool scam and I need your PV so that my dreams can come true.

I made the decision to make a significant step to remove Ambot from Amway and away from the cult leaders. Success!

This is most likely not what your upline had in mind when they told you that this is the year you should go BIG.

This year, we make a big statement by refusing to renew the Amway "business licence."

As a result of not alienating friends and relatives, we are going BIG this year.

This year, we're going BIGGER than ever by refusing to put up with the fucking upline.

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