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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Our Platinum screws Amway!

 This is a big shout out to my readers from Alticor in Ada and Grand Rapids, Michigan (including the one using a Blackberry in the evening), Buena Park, California, and Missouri City, Texas. Have no idea where the last city is. Perhaps Tex can give me a geography lesson!

I hope they like this post on how my upline Platinum instructed the IBO’s to fuck over Amway! And now any active IBO’s who read my blog will also have the secret! Ha ha!

So here’s the secret as given to us during an Amway meeting by the Platinum sack of shit. You order a case of XS Energy Drinks. This is the product used in his example though it could be any other Amway product. You consume the product and then you phone Amway and say “That case of Amway I put on my order last month I ended up selling to a customer who hated it. Said it tasted like piss so I gave him back his money. Can you send me another sample case?” And then just keep doing this over and over and over and you never have to buy another case of XS again because Amway will keep sending you free sample packs to replace the one that made the customer puke.

Gotta love listening to the dishonest and deceptive business practises at Amway meetings and while the Platinum is telling us this all of a sudden it jogs his memory and he calls to his wife who’s in the next room and tells her he gave out a case of XS as a sample and she needs to call Amway and get it replaced. Got to watch them in action! Whoop-de-doo!

It's a shame Ambot didn't take advantage of this scam to obtain free cases of XS. He continued to purchase case after case after case of that foul piss water. If he had conned Amway into giving him some freebies, it would have been a lot easier on his credit card.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this little secret with you. It is not often that independent business owners (IBOs) exact revenge against Amway!

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