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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Durso, Charlie & Ann Amway

Durso, Charlie & Ann 

 In order to work in Manhattan, Charlie and Ann Durso commuted three hours every day for years. Manhattan is known as "the city that never sleeps." 

These days, in their tranquil Pennsylvania environment, Charlie and Ann reminisce about their younger days and cringe. 

As Charlie points out, "there is no air conditioning on the subways." "In addition, there is no heat in the cold.

 It's so crowded that you can't even get in the door. Graffiti can be found everywhere, and you'd witness at least two fights per week." 

Ann, in addition, says "You're literally putting your life in danger on the metro."

In Manhattan, Charlie observed people who were stressed out by their employment and who were suffering in quiet because of the pressures of business politics.

 Charlie was resentful of his accounting position.

 "When I saw this business, I saw it as a vehicle, as a means of getting out of my situation," he explains. "I desired to be liberated." 

The Dursos, who met as kids while living in the same Brooklyn neighbourhood, no longer take the subway and instead prefer to walk. 

Their time has been freed up so that they can spend more time with their sons Charlie Jr. and Danny, as well as with their daughter, Dayna.

Ann quit her career as a travel agent in 1982 to establish a family with her husband.

Charlie resigned from his position in 1990. Ann has this to say about their company:

 "It's given me the best of both worlds in terms of flexibility. 

It has allowed me to spend more time with my children while also pursuing a profession."

The Dursos are hoping that more people in their community will see and take advantage of the same opportunity as they did in 1981 when they first opened their doors for business. 

In Charlie's opinion, "New York is a sleeping giant for this chance," and he believes this completely.

 "There are more than 17 million people that live in the tri-state area that includes Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York City.

 That has tremendous potential. 

We're educating individuals in New York about the true nature of this industry. - They're starting to learn that there's more to life than riding the metro!"

Durso, Charlie & Ann Amway

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