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Thursday, July 22, 2021

María Juana Susunaga & Fabio Pérez Amway

 Diamond has the following qualifications: (2015)

It was in 1996 that they were introduced to the Amway Business Opportunity. Mara Juana and Fabio began thinking about ways to improve their quality of life and be better prepared for a potential financial crisis because they had already experienced one and did not want to go through it all over again. Despite the fact that we were completely unaware of what was being demonstrated to us, the people and the vision that they shared instilled hope in us, and today when we think about AMWAY, we associate it with prosperity and freedom. -

They were in the process of developing their business till 2002. In 2011, however, they made the decision to devote their time and energy to this life project, concentrating their efforts on promoting the business opportunity in a professional manner. At the outset, his most significant challenge was to achieve a balance of time between his business and his architectural design and construction company, which he founded.

The training provided by the Amway Institute of Business Aided them in accomplishing this goal by revealing valuable tools for learning to listen to and understand people, thereby professionalising their business and reaching a larger number of customers. Furthermore, the use of social media platforms helped to speed up communication between the company's teams.

Being more competent in life, understanding that challenges are opportunities, and viewing life as a continuous learning experience in which the only boundaries are one's own thoughts are some of the rewards that Mara Juana and Fabio have received as members of the Amway Family.

Both agree that an educational programme, as well as encouragement and commercialization, are important factors in providing an Empresario with tangible results from the start of his or her business and, over time, a long-term sustainable enterprise.

They explain that they sell products from all lines of business. However, they emphasise that they have placed a strong emphasis on the nutritional line of business because of their own personal experience as well as the benefit to health and good habits for others. "We sell products from all lines of business," they say. Mara Juana and Fabio understand well well that the economy has changed today and that starting a business is an unavoidable necessity. This business strategy has already established itself as a trend, which allows others who did not initially see it to now examine it seriously, according to their judgement.

Diamante was the destination of their search for personal freedom, tranquilly, and fulfilment. Their immediate goal is to direct the spotlight toward the members of their team, ensuring that they achieve their goals and build profitable businesses in their respective fields. In summary, our advice is to be professional, to enjoy the journey, and to persevere until one's goal is achieved. “They have the support of a large group of people.”

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