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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Covington, Rocky Amway


  • 1977


  • Diamond 1982
  • Executive Diamond 1994

Rocky Covington is a BWW Executive Diamond who is linked with the organisation. 

He began working for Amway in 1977, earning the Diamond qualification in 1982 and the Executive Diamond qualification in 1994. 

Rocky worked as a Vice President at a bank prior to joining Amway. 

Rocky was involved in a catastrophic car accident shortly after qualifying for the Diamond, in which he fractured one of his ankles. 

Throughout the bulk of the experience, Paul remained by Rocky's bedside.

Rocky has two Diamonds on his frontline, as well as four Diamonds on his downline. 

They are as follows:

  • Charles & Martha Bradshaw - 1994 Diamond, BWW
  • Kevin & Beth Bell - 2003 Diamond, BWW
  • Burns, Jim & Karen, Diamond, BWW
  • Confere, Douglas, Diamond, BWW

Success Story

As a bank vice president, I managed gobs of money, but it was mostly borrowed, and my time was not mine. Today, I establish my own schedule and live a dream lifestyle.

Rocky aspired to be a coach since he was a teen. Then I listened to those who said there was no money in teaching or coaching," Rocky says. Rocky received a basketball scholarship to study business banking and was hired by a prominent bank in North Carolina.

Rocky found he felt little delight in his successes when he turned 30. Even though his offices became larger with each promotion, he felt hemmed in.

Rocky was introduced to the business by a high school acquaintance in 1977. "He was more persistent than I was," Rocky laughs.

Rocky soon saw the programme as his dream coaching job. "This business allowed me to coach, not in blocking and tackling, but in life," Rocky explains.

Rocky is particularly proud of his solo business success.

"Most of our customers are couples," he explains. "But one person can create it." And he has

Rocky credits his success to his bulldog attitude. "Bulldogs don't give up once they get their fangs into it," Rocky says. When it comes to this profession, you have to go at it with a bulldog mentality.

Rocky now lives in Myrtle Beach, SC. "I always wanted a beach house," Rocky says. 
Rocky also adores beaches in Hawaii, Bermuda, Grand Cayman, Virgin Islands, and the Caribbean.

 But he loves "being able to help people reach their life goals and objectives."


Skaggs Case

IBS, Inc., an Emeralds Henry and Sue Skaggs-owned firm, sued Bill and Peggy Britt, Paul and Leslie Miller, Rocky Covington, Kevin and Beth Bell, and Britt WorldWide in July 2007. 

The Skaggs allegedly gained consent from Britt to continue developing the software programme for future implementation to all of BWW, according to the suit.

 During this time, the Skaggs claim they borne the development expenditures. 

Bill Britt allegedly terminated the contract in 2005. The Skaggs allege their upline "de-edified" them. 

There is also a claim of intentional interference with business ties [1].

Defendants countered that no contract was made and challenged the litigation on other legal grounds. [2]


  • International Business Solutions vs Britt WorldWide
  •  International Business Solutions vs Britt WorldWide, Response of Defendents
Located in Covington, Rocky In the fields of multi-level marketing (MLM) and network marketing, Amway is a brand name that is well-known and well-respected. Rocky Covington was an Amway Diamond in the past and is considered to be one of the most successful distributors in the history of the firm. His narrative is one of toil and perseverance, as well as an in-depth comprehension of the fundamentals underlying network marketing.

Rocky Covington was born in 1953, and he spent his childhood in the more rural parts of Kentucky. Before he found success in network marketing in the early 1980s, he held a variety of employment positions. In 1982, he became a part of the Amway organization and quickly worked his way up through the ranks, achieving a Diamond in only 1984. He eventually rose through the ranks to become one of the most successful distributors in the industry and amassed commissions worth multiple millions of dollars.

Because of his talent in recruiting and instructing a large number of Amway distributors, Covington was able to achieve great success in the company. He was aware of how critical it was to assemble a capable group of people and give them the encouragement and resources they required to be successful. He also had faith in the transformative potential of self-improvement, and he urged the members of his team to broaden their horizons by participating in workshops and reading books on the subject.

Because of his success in Amway, Covington is now regarded highly as a speaker and trainer in the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry. He has been a featured speaker at a large number of multi-level marketing events and has instructed thousands of distributors all over the world. His approach is high-energy and inspirational, and he is well-known for the practical advice he gives on how to develop a successful multi-level marketing firm.

Covington is not only a successful businessman but also an author and an entrepreneur in addition to his work in the multi-level marketing industry. He is the author of several books on personal development and network marketing, including "Network Marketing: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success" and "The Millionaire Mindset: How to Think and Act Like a Millionaire." Both of these books are authored by him. Outside of the multi-level marketing industry, he has also been successful in launching a number of enterprises, including a restaurant and a real estate company.

Despite his accomplishments, Covington has had his fair share of difficulties throughout his life. He has been accused of participating in unethical business tactics and misleading distributors, all of which have led to legal concerns that he has had to deal with in connection with his business operations. Some people in the multi-level marketing industry are of the opinion that his success was more attributable to his personal charisma than to any particular business strategy. As a result, he has been subjected to criticism from these individuals.

Rocky Covington is still a well-respected person in the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector despite the difficulties he has faced. His books and teachings continue to be a source of inspiration and motivation for millions upon thousands of people, and he continues to travel the world giving speeches and training distributors. His life is a living example of the transformative power of consistent effort, unwavering commitment, and an eagerness to learn and improve.

Covington, Rocky Amway

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