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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Johnson, Roger & Pat Amway

Johnson, Roger & Pat 

 My thoughts and emotions were really etched with the 'I believe in you' ethos that they shown to us.

"It took six years from the time our sponsors initially approached us until we were able to get started," explains Roger Johnson.

 "On a scale of one to 10, ours was a one on the interest scale." 

In Pat's words, "neither of us had a vision for what this business may achieve for us in the future." 

"We were both self-conscious about our appearance, but we also desired financial independence. 

We signed up when Jim and Nancy Dornan required one more associate to compete for a contest, thinking that we would just be purchasing things at wholesale prices. 

That seemingly inconsequential decision turned out to be the most important decision of our lives." 

Roger worked in the life insurance industry at the time, and she was a first-grade teacher at the time. "

"If a person has never had somebody believe in them before," says Pat, "they should definitely consider getting into our profession." 

We've been fortunate enough to be affiliated with the Network TwentyOne founders from the very beginning of the company. 

The 'I believe in you' spirit that they shown to us left a lasting impression on my mind and heart. 

It sparked an interest in me to pursue other interests in my life. 

There is no higher sense of accomplishment than knowing that you have had a positive and productive impact on someone."

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