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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Jain, Vishal & Sonika Amway

 In the words of Vishal, 'The Quixtar business has provided us with the financial flexibility, time, and resources to enjoy living a wonderful life.'

Sonika expresses her enthusiasm for the company's development, saying, "I really like the time I get to spend with Vishal and the children."

Achieving the Diamond level has been a wonderful experience for us because it has allowed us to make a difference in the lives of many people we have met while growing our business. Every minute of the time and effort spent on it was well worth it,' they both agree. All we did was get together with our upline, devise a game plan, and put in the necessary effort to see it through. We'd want to see more folks come and join us at Diamond Club!'

by Kankan & Samina Bhattacharyya, with permission. When Vishal and Sonika Jain arrived in the United States, they had two names on their "list" that they would only use in emergencies. They essentially invited themselves to see the business plan and pushed their supporters to register them even before they had a place to live or a car to drive them around in. You can see it in their faces: they are living proof that persistence and hard effort can conquer any impediment. Vishal is a certified public accountant who formerly worked in the IT business. They are both free as a result of this opportunity, and they are raising their two beautiful children, Sachi and Vanshika.

They make an excellent pair - Vishal, with his fearless leadership, and Sonika, with her quiet strength and determination. They have always liked the process of growing the company, and they have a fantastic team of leaders emerging behind them. They are enthusiastic about the lifestyle that comes with being a Diamond, and their greatest reward has been the opportunity to become part of the 'inner circle' with Bill and Peggy Britt. Vishal and Sonika have established themselves as valuable members of the Britt Diamond team, and their ultimate objective is to become Crown Ambassadors.

Jain, Vishal & Sonika

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