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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Comins, Bob & Angela Amway

Comins, Bob & Angela 

 "The true rewards are the sentiments," says the author.

As Bob Comins explains, "the higher I rose up the corporate ladder, the less control I had over my life."

 He has a master's degree in management and supervision and has served in the Airborne Ranger Corps and as an executive with General Motors.

 "I have the flexibility to make judgments for myself in this business without having to worry about political factors."

 "It's simple to identify the tangible outcomes of this business," Angie explains. 

"We have a beautiful home, drive new cars, have a large collection of trinkets and toys, and enjoy travelling. However, there is a great deal more to it than that." 

"True advantages, according to Bob, are "the sensations one has as a result of completing a task, as well as the manner in which one has completed it." 

These emotions have resulted in a stronger marriage, better relationships with our children, and better interactions with everyone with whom we come into contact. 

We want to continue to strive to make our little corner of the earth a little bit better than it was when we arrived."

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