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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sringari, Nanda & Sangeetha Amway

 Our incredible adventure in this incredible business began with just me. As a single person, I was able to reach Ruby level in the business. The best business opportunity on the planet was introduced to me by my upline, who also introduced me to my wife, Sangeetha, who has become my best friend and business partner.

Originally from India, Nanda came to the United States with a Mechanical Engineering degree in order to pursue his Master's degree in Computer Science at Villanova University. Sangeetha travelled to the United States to work as a computer consultant. She holds a business degree from Bangalore University in India as well as a diploma in computer applications.

Having spent a few years as a computer consultant in corporate America, Nanda was introduced to the business world by a mutual friend. Despite his initial scepticism, he took the choice to start the company while attending a large conference. He realised that he could not only generate money, but he could also make a difference in the lives of other people.

They became dedicated to making the firm succeed after realising that a career in corporate America meant having little time for family, being dominated by a boss, and forty years of alarm clocks and traffic jams on the way to and from work. Despite the fact that they had excellent careers and earned a large income from their computer consulting professions, they never saw a means to achieve their goals and fulfil their aspirations through their work.

Sangeetha explains that by working together, she and her colleagues found each other's talents and how to complement them. Both believe they have been given an exceptional opportunity to realise their full potential. According to Nanda, "we've uncovered our inner resources," which include "the power to teach, inspire, and support." Our business and our family will benefit greatly as a result of this newfound wealth.

Our mentors and the Britt Worldwide system have been crucial in assisting us in realising our potential, bringing out the best in us, and teaching us the fundamentals of successful living. 'Success measures how many people are better off as a result of your existence!'

These days, they have the option of spending a significant amount of time with their three children, Dhruv, Tara, and Dev, while also running a large, successful global business. They choose the latter option. According to Sangeetha, she has always respected her father's economic acumen and her mother's ability to take care of the family. The ability to combine the finest of both worlds was a dream come true for me.

Nanda has a clear grasp of the situation. It is important to him that his firm honours his marriage as well as his family and his own strengths. 'It is definitely a gift,' said the recipient.

Sringari, Nanda & Sangeetha

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