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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Bolukbasi Merih & Nilufer Amway

 The BOLUKBASIs began their Amway career in July 1994, and have been with the company since. The business that the two agreed on would have to meet specific criteria, including "low venture and working capital requirements, low risk, and a focus on human interactions." They began looking for the ideal firm that would suit all of their requirements. Despite the fact that it included a business concept they had never heard of before, it met practically all of the criteria they had established for themselves at the time.

Merih BOLUKBASI expresses her gratitude by saying, "We had to make the most of this opportunity because it provided a fantastic career option, a consistent income, a wonderful lifestyle, and guarantee for the future." Our role in the business model proposed by the company with which we cooperated was to establish our own network of entrepreneurs and distributors and earn a profit proportional to the amount of time we spent assisting in the distribution of their products on our own dime. We came to the conclusion that we could accomplish it, and so we started,” he continues.

As Nilüfer BOLUKBASI puts it, "At this point in time, when we look back at where we started from, I say that we were extremely fortunate to have established this firm and persevered through the difficult times that we faced." When we first started out, we were taught that Amway was the top Direct Sales organisation in the entire globe. During the twenty years we've been in the industry, we've seen a number of companies join the market, claiming to be better than Amway and to be able to increase the profits of their distributors, only to disappoint them. “As of now, Amway is still regarded as the world's best in its industry and the company whose business owners make the most money.”

Merih BOLUKBASI, a member of the company's European Diamond Advisory Council, has the following to say about the company: "I have observed how highly the company regards us as business owners and business partners on every platform." During a Council meeting, President Doug DeVos said, "Let's talk about our 50 years of business partnership to come," and the rest is history. It is difficult to put into words how important it is to shape the company's vision for the future while maintaining a collaboration approach. The business philosophy of "win-win" is ingrained in the company's core and is encoded in its DNA."

The BOLUKBASIs had no way of knowing that the decision they made that very day would have such a profound impact on their own lives as well as the lives of their numerous colleagues, and that it would affect their lives in such a positive way. All they knew was that if they invested in and improved themselves as well as their teammates, their business would develop as well. After twenty years of hard labour, the organisation has enjoyed continuing success as a result of the seed of hard work planted. The following is an essential point raised by Merih BOLUKBASI at this time: "Your greatest strength in instilling your vision into your team is the faith and confidence that your team has in you." “Only values, integrity, and trust can be the foundation of long-term success.”

This is how Nilüfer BOLUKBASI describes her feelings: "This business is the best business in the world! What could be more rewarding than having thousands of people congratulate you on your accomplishments; thousands of people expressing their gratitude to you; and thousands of people letting you know that they are aware of your contributions to their life... You make a difference in the lives of thousands of individuals by working in this industry and assisting them in realising their potential and improving their lives. As we ascended the stairs to success, we came to understand and live through the words of our renowned upline: ‘The true measure of wealth is the number of people whose lives are enriched as a result of your efforts.' “As a result, we are grateful to the founding members of our organisation who pioneered this business model, as well as to our sponsors, who provide ongoing support.”


  • Triple Diamond August 2015

Downline Diamonds

  • Kurmali, Yildiz & Murat, Founders Executive Diamond, 2013
  • Cansu, Dilek & Ali, Diamond, 2013
  • Kara, Mufide & Sinasi, Diamond, 2013
  • Firat, Hatice & Mehmet Muratoglu, Founders Triple Diamond, 2012
  • Kaseli, Naksiye & Selcuk, Executive Diamond, 2013
  • Citak, Kamer, Founders Diamond, 2013
  • Firat, Nursel, Diamond, 2013
  • Babatas, Aynur & Yalcin, Diamond, 2012

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