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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Broome, Clarke & Diana Amway

 Clarke & Diana Broome have been Amway/Quixtar IBOs since I can remember and I've been around the business for almost 20 years. They have alway been willing to provide a helping hand and to make a huge good influence in the lives of others.

Clarke is a pilot. One of the interesting things about that in terms of creating a business is how much easier it is to touch business groups that are farther away.

The Broome's are linked with an organization named Team INA. As members of the board for that organization, they have a lot of input for the tools and training that are provided. The instruction, tools and information they provide is excellent notch. I have realized that even though I have never developed the business, what I have learned has tremendously helped and improved my life.

Clarke & Diana are wonderful individuals and I would recommend them as mentors if you ever have the opportunity.


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