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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Menn, Stuart & Charmaigne Amway

 "This business helped offer me the opportunity to follow a long time ambition of mine."

"The prescription for Stuart Menn was "Diversify." A accomplished internist with solid credentials and an Air Force flight surgeon career behind him, Dr. Menn sought to "diversify economically so I could practice medicine without regard for economics or politics." Today he is a leading authority on sleep problems, a field he deems "a hot public concern." Why the interest? " The explosion in Chernobyl, the Three Mile Island incident and the Exxon Valdez accident all can be tied to lack of sleep. People like myself who enjoy their careers can personalize their occupations to their demands, leaving time for other interests." Dr. Menn has several of those. He's focused on Nordic skiing, American history, the theater, even the geography of the Hawaiian Islands, where he has an ambition to build a home. And, of course, travel. Europe and South America are on his itinerary many times a year, and he has made more than 20 visit to Spain to help his firm there flourish."

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